Not sure if I should join the discussion, but I will anyway...
So I noticed there's a small misunderstand about some things here, apparently.
There's as actual difference between a paedophile, a child molester and a molester...
Paedophile: A person who feels attraction towards children, not a criminal as just feels attraction towards children and has done nothing to anyone, just has a problem and is sick.
Molester: A criminal, has abused someone somehow in a sexual way.
Child molester: Scum who dares to touch a child and needs to be purged.
Basically, they're three different things o3o
So here's the stuff, different from what one would think, not all child molesters are paedophiles. A lot of cases of child molestation are done to kids because the scum finds it easier to have they way with them, not because of specific attraction to them being a child.
It's like with doctors, not all doctors are medical doctors but all medical doctors are doctors... (This a saying in my country and not sure if it translates well to english, but basically means that just because something is x does not mean all of them are the same thing, or that something else can't be the same, etc).
A child molester may or may not be a paedophile, and not all molesters are child molesters but can always become one.
But yeah people usually use the term paedophile to call the criminals that abuse kids, so it's understandable to think like that... but yeah, more often than not the scum just targets them because they're easier...
tl;dr: A paedophile is a person with a mental problem of feeling attracted to kids. Not all paedophiles are child molesters, and not all child molesters are paedophiles. A paedophile can live his whole life having not touched or harmed a single kiddo. Also, child molesters are scum that needs to be purged.