A Capable Maid - Ch. 44

Dex-chan lover
Nov 6, 2019
lol'd @ the thought of them diving into sexy time because I've read way too many manga like that...
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
I think this is the third time that the prince has given Rachel a chance to come clean about Marie helping her, and the web imagery while hes doing it pretty much hits the nail on the head about this situation, Rachel is fucked at this point she just doesn't know it yet
Mar 27, 2018
The ambassador of the other kingdom is too stupid. How can you go to another kingdom (an empire), make a fuss that you didn't like something (instead of explaining why you can't eat peacefully) and then, you demand food for your kingdom and if that doesn't work... you want war? With a kingdom suffering from a famine and, most likely, weak soldiers? His suggestion was as stupid as they come.
Also, thanks for the chapter!
Feb 4, 2018
Prince know the truth.

Or at least, part of it.
Cant wait to see Mary discover that the prince is the guy she liked to be with, and for the prince to know Mary real persona.
Aug 13, 2019
Sometimes I wonder if these characters who use the ideas of others ever think in the long term. Rachel, how in the world will you be able to deliver the same level of intellect in the case that a problem arises once Marie is gone? Then you’ll probably either be a useless sitting duck or screw up in front of everyone, in both cases leading them to question your authenticity, abilities and if you were really the one who “solved” the problems that you did. Smh, give yourself some leeway to retreat, stop leeching off Marie every 5 seconds and use that brain of yours girl.
Sep 16, 2020

Good point! And yeah. I don't know exactly what this author is planning(there's a good chance she'll go for the "good leader protects their people and has no other motive" route and ignore class division altogether), but sending your son to threaten war against a kingdom you have almost 0 diplomatic relations with if they don't meet your demands? Good chance he's never coming back.
Double-page supporter
Jun 12, 2018
The character flow here is so off-base that I'm inclined to forgive the notOttomans' behavior as being entirely the fault of the author's rather than an in-universe fail.

There are ways to request assistance for a famine situation, offering friendship and trade in return, while hinting at a potential military escalation, diplomatically. Ambassador dude has been the exact opposite of diplomatic. The real Ottomans were plenty diplomatic! You're already having the characters in fancy outfits living in fancy palaces, perfect venue for fancy political talk to impress the readers! Subtlety, people.

Oh well, I'm here to stan Marie so it's okay I guess.
Aug 27, 2020
hate it when someone takes credit for other people's work. Glad the Prince knows the truth! Marie, you're too nice 😭.
Jan 1, 2020
In history it is often knows that nations who have gone through famine , either from drought or locust invasions , recur to war against neighbors contries


Active member
Jun 26, 2020
@KuranFan it's different matter, one is a personal problems and the other is a matter between two countries, which is probably a smart move, since the the messenger's kingdom is still near crisis, not in an actual crisis state, so if the messenger's kingdom win, they got the food and the region with peoples inside, if they lose the war, this prince country will suffer the damage from the post-war event,
But if this prince willing to give the demanded food messenger's kingdom, then there is no war, but they have less food then, where i don't know this prince's kingdom food state, but this prince will get the support from the messenger's kingdom, since the messenger's kingdom reference is an islamic kingdom i suppose, muslim will uphold a promise or an oath which is declared even though it was to a kafir/pagan/non-muslim.
so yeah war is the last resort, and thats why this prince is having a headache
sry 4 my bad English
Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2020
This is the dumbest thing i've seen in a manga/manhwa, and i've seen alot.
You want food for your people, sure, threatening war if you don't get it would have immediately ended negotiations in a situation where the western empire had the upper hand in negotiations like this, and likely a declaration of war by the west.
It also has no logical beneficial outcome for the east, if you somehow win a war with your weakened army, it's likely the west would burn their own fields just to prevent you from getting the food out of spite, the romans were known for salting fields and poisoning wells in wars exactly for this reason, this was a no win argument for the eastern empire, so i don't even know why they even suggested it.
Not only that, but even the suggestion of conflict means that they have a desire to conquer your lands, this in turn means no matter if you help them, they can NEVER be trusted and will likely wait for a moment of weakness to attack you, it boggles the mind.
Active member
Apr 23, 2020
Idk why Rachel just can't tell the king that she came up with or "refined" these ideas while talking with her staff because then she's not taking all the credit cuz the king has ALREADY heavily hinted that he doesn't believe Rachel. Also I think threatening war instead of offering future war support is a dumb idea from the author. Like why would a country feel obligated to help u if they know you're dying out anyway -- war can't last long if your soldiers can't eat like da faq....anyways this chapter had too many plot holes for me :-/

Thanks for another high quality chapter anyway NASS!! <3
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2018
Isn't the empire super powerful? Also, this dumbass just admitted he doesn't have the means to feed an army, all the empire would have to do is prevent them from replenishing their stocks in the border or fuck up their supply lines and these guys would be in deep shit.
Fed-Kun's army
Apr 4, 2018
I’m glad that The ML is noticing all of MC’s efforts! So glad 😭
Btw, wth! Why is he asking food for free? Is that a way a king should behave? Not when he can trade, right?
They have so many other resources, even if they don’t have food (clearly visible from the envoy’s outfit). The author especially embellished the jewel on his turban, that has to be on purpose, right? So why don’t they just ask for permission to trade? Are they being so antagonistic, just because the story needs a antagonist, currently? Or is there a hidden history, where they’ll later reveal why their country hates the empire and decided to target them?
May 2, 2020
I know no ome asked for my two cents but here they are. I feel that the reason why the author made this ambassador's country's terms so extreme is simply to create ripples within the story. While a respected, well thought out diplomatic dialogue between the crown prince and the ambassador that lies along reality would be great, and just so cool to read, it takes the edge off of a plot to further the story, and especially for younger audiences (no idea why younger audiences would be reading this but maybe they do), it's much easier for them to comprehend simply worded and straightforward dialogues as such, although the latter is just a guess. Other than that, this was merely for an opinion that hold little to no water, and I just wanted to get it off my chest lmao please let me. Anyways, the story has been interesting so far, I would kill to give Marie a trophy for letting Rachel take all the credit for her ideas, and thanks for the scans!
Dec 30, 2019
That's the problem Marie is going to run into. Rachel is becoming to dependent on her and will never let her go when/if she becomes queen like Marie wants. Thus Marie is actually just digging herself a deeper whole by becoming more tied with the kingdom.

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