A Capable Maid - Ch. 44

Dex-chan lover
May 26, 2019
I wonder why most comments are taking the ambassador's words at face's value.

It is entirely possible that it's just a ruse. There is no famine, but this "Halidom" actually wants war.
If the Prince gives in, they get free resources, if not, they get an excuse to declare war. Also known as, casus belli (paradox game fans should be well aware XD)

Honestly, it would make a lot more sense. They are ready for war anyway, but they will settle for free food if that does not work. Shifting the blame on the crown prince no matter what he does is just basic diplomacy.
Alternatively, they are really so desperate for food that they have no choice but to do this. Use the last resources to fuel a conquest war is somethig that has been done many times in the past. After all for the eastern empire war would be a lose lose situation anyway, so they might cave in and just send food instead

Also, props to the guard captain. He's a real wingman.

(Also, I imagine rachel will get a reckoning soon, I cannot wait for that. Rael knows what is up anyway XD)
Jul 12, 2020
That's the funniest solution since I thought of the exact same thing on the last chapter 😂

Edit: I knew it they mean the Muslims with "pagans". Looks like each side calls the other a pagan 🤦🏻‍♀️

Also I want to say... I really don't like Rachel... She has ulterior intentions. My guts are telling me lol
Oct 20, 2019
It doesn't make sense that the "Halidom"would like to wage war against the Kingdom, if there was famine in the "pagan" kingdom it would be hard to provide for the soldiers and the resources to participate in a war at the expense of their people. So I highly doubt that they are facing famine and their real goal is to actually just initiate a war. (ALSO UMM THE HALIDOM'S PRINCE HIS SMUG FACE OOF)
Nov 28, 2019
Has this become a story about someone who ended up being the only one with the capability to think as the story progresses? Noble children weren't taught skills or are simply portrayed as pretty and dumb. A powerful empire who can conquer a nation is now being reduced to party goers and gossip mongers. I'm all for a smart and capable MC but reducing other character's capability just to portray her as 'capable' is just ehhh.
Jun 5, 2019
I hope this story improves soon. It’s getting boring having Marie doing all the work while Rachel takes all the credit. I’m really disappointed by how dumb the author is making Marie act. She’s being so out of character. She’s doing all of this on the smallest chance that Rachel become empress (which is very small!) and then keeps her promise to Marie. Which I can’t imagine she would. She’ll likely chain Marie to her for life to be her tool.

Not to mention the prince could not be any less interested in her, he’s said multiple times that he always does what’s best for the kingdom. So what ‘best’ can Rachel offer? Nothing other then taking credit for others efforts. So what reason would he have to make her empress? Right now the black haired girl has a better chance.

Also are these two girls really the only options for empress? I would think an entire kingdom would have more noble girls that are smarter and better fitting for the role. It feels like these two are only here because their families are powerful, and they themselves have nothing useful to offer. I know it’s meant to make Marie shine, but it annoys me greatly how both girls are incredibly stupid, completely incompetent, and oddly cruel. Would it really have killed the author to write even one female character that’s actually helpful and a decent person? Besides Marie I mean. You’d think the noble families pushing for their daughter to become royalty would I don’t know? Actually have them take lessons on how to rule and make decisions?! So bizzare. Do they expect them to be figure heads while the Crown prince does everything? Just sit there and look pretty? I don’t know about you but that thought leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

If this keeps up Marie is gonna lose her powers. Why doesn’t she understand that? Your powers are meant to help others, if you help an incompetent and two faced person become empress, of course your powers are going to start not working! Your being dumb and thinking only about yourself alone. And not about the consequences of your actions. If the prince wasn’t able to magically see through all Rachel bullshit then we’d have a serious problem on our hands.

I hope to hell she doesn’t lose her powers. It’s literally the sole reason I started this story and got my interest. If they go down the ‘Boon Soon Strong Woman’ ending route, I’m gonna be hella pissed. I hated that ending.

God I hope this stupid charade ends soon. It’s so boring and uninteresting. I’m already tired of it and it’s only been a couple chapters? I hope to hell this doesn’t last much longer. It feels like every scene is just dragging on. Does anyone know how many more chapter of this we have to slog through?

I also don’t understand why the prince doesn’t use the fact he’s know since the beginning that Rachel is stealing all of Maries ideas, to remove her as a princess candidate? You’d think he wouldn’t want to waste his time on something so stupid. If he did then another candidate could be chosen and then maybe they’d actually be competent? At the very least reveal it and humiliate her. Cause him staying quiet is just making her look better in front of everyone. And doing nothing else.

Sorry for the rant I’m just frustrated and disappointed that this story isn’t as good as it used to be. Please don’t send any hate.

Thank you for translating this chapter.
Oct 15, 2020
what a dilemma. i wish it was more like a trade than a threat. food for something yknow?

but marie can't flex her intellect if it wasn't a tricky situation fufufu!
Aug 17, 2019
War is a very restricted threat to make. War takes more than a day to accomplish and requires the very resources they are lacking in. It would cause their own country more harm than good so it's either a careless plot-hole made for Marie to shine or a reckless way for the author to express their desperation.
May 26, 2019
Bruh how could they show the Muslim prince wanting to initiate a war so easily when in Islam we hate wars because it only causes harm in both countries and kills innocent people.
Jan 30, 2018
This is so stupid like seriously how could a starving nation o to war.. I like Marie but the plot holes in this are unbearable to read, usually I can handle them but it depends on how the story is presented. The way this story is presented is that like... it’s not stereotypical? I mean it is? But it feels like it’s trying to be better than others and the writing it just so crap I can’t take it anymore
Dex-chan lover
Sep 4, 2018
@Rake, have you not heard of the Muslim conquests? Starting from the Prophet Muhammed himself Islam grew through war, how else did North Africa and the Middle East convert from Christianity in a little over 100 years. Muslim men had the right to marry up to 4 wives and had numerous concubines not to mention the countless slaves and "blood taxes." Muslim Caliphates had the birthrates to win wars by sheer attrition.
Nov 26, 2020
@Jergens i believe they did that because they were abusing their profit when he first appeared, they used to kill muslims around the world and enslaving them, it was a must for survival, also they did conquer alot of countries but they also never killed anyone for a mere religious difference. it was because they tried to harm innocent people.
Nov 26, 2020
seeing islamophobia in a place where u try to run away from the real world is disgusting, bruh i read those to forget abt irl problems and this comes. i srsly wanna see the crown prince helping them tho coz liek if he did they said they “won’t forget that favor” i wanna see them more in a better light in the future


Active member
Mar 24, 2019
I'm getting indigestion...

If you going to make a fictional setting with fantasy. Make a new religion. Don't put a religion that already exists and that is easily recognisable.
This just soils the religion in front of Koreans who don't know much about Islam. Their media already has so little information about Islam, and what information they have of it is bad because of extremist actions that are highlighted in other places.

Is it so hard to make a fictional religion with a different set of rules.
Jul 26, 2020
I am so done with this bitch.. hope Marie will stop giving her everything in the next chapters
Mar 20, 2019
I think i'm just gonna stop reading the comments on this manga and just enjoy it instead

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