A Capable Maid

Jan 18, 2018
What a fascinating mixed bag this is. Generally I like it.

Pacing is decent. Art is greatā€”good enough to carry things along by sheer force of art in some places. Romance is... well, it's slowly digging itself out of the hole it put itself into, wherein the obvious romance candidate had no chemistry as such and most of us ended up rooting wistfully for the other arm of the love-triangle...? But there's plenty of good character interaction.

Plot is never going anywhere obvious (except the obvious eventual romance) but after a little meandering early on, it seems to be shaping up. Mostly around said romance, with a large order of serious complications of varying sorts, which works well enough.

And yet, then, the central plot device, at least early on:
Her dues ex machina magic competence derived from random spirits from... other worlds and/or times...? That... possess her? By God's will, or something?ā€”To allow her to ace whatever task is before her. Including a baffling panoply of persons: Starting with the titular "capable maid", but growing to include Mozart, some seemingly random folks everyday places with sometimes oddly specific skills (e.g. how to make a particular dish); a Vietnam field medic, and most recently Sherlock Holmes! It gets to feel very silly when one wasn't expecting such an eclectic assortment. Post-facto, I can recognize and rationalize it as a sort of interesting inverted-isekai setup, but when there's no warning it's a very jarring progression.

...And she turns into a godawful Mary Sue in some of the mid-early bits with all that. Later on there's ongoing intrigue and tension that airs out and gets rid of the almost manic self-insert tone those early chapters take. But there's this unshakable feeling I have sometimes with occasional... almost naive...? ...threads of thought that makes me feel sometimes like this was written by an extremely talented middle-school girl. But not always.

Anyway, my occasional cringes aside, it has been an entertaining read, with several well-executed bits in exchange for the various generic and/or unintentionally-hilarious ones. Occasionally it blind-sides me with a powerful moment. And it seems to be getting better rather than worse as it goes on so far, I think, so it somehow all seems rather promising.
Apr 9, 2020
Thank you for working on this! I really enjoyed reading it and please continue to upload chapters in the future!
Active member
Sep 30, 2018
Idk what is it about this author but I not into her works, it was the same for doctor elise, I had high hopes in the beginning but as the romance progresses I just lose all interest in it. Iā€™m just not fond of these characters. Like I donā€™t hate them but I donā€™t like them either. So when ever something dramatic or important happens Iā€™m just -_-

Also Iā€™ve never liked Prince or King type MLs. They always have this narcissistic or egoistic or possessive trait to them that I just donā€™t dig. And idk what the author is trying to establish with this ml. He has a less consistent personality than the knight.

Anyways, itā€™s ā€œenjoyableā€. If you like the tropes and such. And the author is good at pacing and structuring her story nice and neatly. But itā€™s not particularly engaging and there isnā€™t much personality or energy in the story.

Anyways itā€™s okay, I can understand why so many people dig it. And I enjoyed some of it But Iā€™m bored now.
Aug 7, 2019
@Sparrow75 weird, just read the last chapter, kind of reluctantly at that and came into look at the comments and it's like you read my mind. I had high hopes for Dr. Elise too. It seems like in both the characters personalities just ceased to exist. Seems like their existence is for the ml. In this one it almost feels like the story is really about the prince with the story being told through the eyes of the maid. I feel like I know more about the prince and knight then Marie.

It's not that it's bad it's just that I don't care about it and I would have liked to. This, Dr. Elise, Beatrice for me are all the same for me, interesting start but then the characters start to fade.
Jul 16, 2019
I love this. Yeah the fl and the ml is kinda flat in terms of personality but it doesnā€™t get in the way of the story /harm the story so Iā€™m not annoyed by it. This romance is slow paced, but out of good reason. Because of their positions: maid and prince they canā€™t really get close. Honestly if the romance was rushed itā€™d be hella weird and forced.

@schlo yeah this story is kinda like Dr. Elise, but DO NOT insult this story with the comparison of Beatrice oh my god that was the worst isekai Iā€™ve ever read in my life. Never again.
Aug 7, 2019
@ezaspie i'm comparing it to Beatrice not in terms of story line, but in that they both have characters that are flat and seem to have very little personality. For me a story that is not largely action or adventure, but more romance and drama needs to have characters that have personality, that aren't flat.

I will admit that I think there are many problems with Beatrice besides just the personalities of the characters. To me it is sad because I can think of a story line for Beatrice that would have allowed romance, not with the prince, and would have made for an interesting drama / romance story and fit in with the beginning chapters. I think many would have enjoyed it I had hopes for Beatrice, but...

I'm not trying to tell people not to enjoy Capable Maid, we all like different things. I'm a fan of isekai trash for that matter so believe me I'm not trying to judge and I hope everyone finds stuff they enjoy.
Jul 16, 2019
@schlo Sorry... I was trying to make a joke/ be playful when I said ā€œDo not compare this to beatriceā€ , sadly it did not hold up in writing.

Totally fine if you think this is similar to beatrice but I just wanted to sh*t on/ make a joke about beatrice because thatā€™s what that manhwa is; a joke. In fact, I agree that this story is kinda bland like beatrice.
Aug 7, 2019

that's ok, no problem. Thought it might be joke, but just decided to answer in case it wasn't. I can completely understand your view on Beatrice, it had so much potential and then went to crap in so many ways.
Jun 24, 2020
THE SLOW BURN IS KILLING ME THEY ARE SO CUTE MANNNNNN I FEEL LIKE CRYING but i hope marie won't do anything stupid coz the prince likes u girl don't even try to play cupid gOSH :mad:
Mar 6, 2019
In agreement with some of the comments on how Marie is kinda starting to fall flat yet you kinda are addicted to it.

Part of me feels like if she wasn't just taking on the "capable" talents of every type then she wouldn't fall into being such a static character. Even just going more technical into what the talents are would make her less static. The spirit possession is a bit of a cop out of the authors lack of knowledge of even the basics of most of the "capabilities" like Fiona the gardener doing stone masonry. (Stone masonry is a super interesting topic btw and surprisingly relevant to music and rhythm.) Say if the spirit was more like a teacher teaching/showing technical basics over a period of time then she would be more dynamic due to showing the reader her gaining confidence and skill that are her own.

I still really want to know how this develops tho...

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