Yoooooooooooooo! He said it! He actually fucking said it! And it only took 28 chapters to boot. Now Valerie, you're a smart girl so you better not misinterpret his words or I'm going to riot.
On a side note, regarding the "Naruto Run," while I agree it's silly and unrealistic I kinda think it's ever so slightly fair in this situation. Her arms, as strong as they are, seem really light and thin, so if she's going at extreme speeds then they'd just drag her down if she kept moving them forward and back. As such, letting them hang back would be easier on her. It's either that, or maybe she simply got fed up with pumping them as she ran so she's just letting them dangle and they happened to end up behind her because of how fast she's running. Still dumb, but like 5 or 10% fair, imo.