@draw2much yup that makes sense and it's probably what she's trying to do, I hate that a lot of people here are disgusting :/
like, calm down oh my god. you don't have to make a fuss about something funny and simple like this labeling it as something that is so disgusting and changing the meaning of it, people. :/
I mean I, myself, if I were in her place would do the same. I would actually be mad, I don't care if he's the prince, he's still a boy
laying in my bed. Moreover, it was their duty.
thank you
@draw2much so much for commenting that, I think this is the first time I've read someone's comment who has a mind and know how to use it probably, thank you. I really just wanted to let it out a little. and also show my gratitude since I was shocked how much people are so foolish, a lot of them wouldn't even dare say something like that in real life.
thank you for translating, it's even two chapters
this story is so cool, I hope the artist updates more often so we don't cut up with the raws 😂
I think Serina is a foreigner from another country possibly like Japan because she's wearing a kimono and because she's teaching him, blonde-head also had to wear one. or she's a reincarnated.