Ore no Genjitsu wa Ren’ai Game??: ka to Omottara Inochigake no Game datta - Vol. 11 Ch. 43 - Black Ball (9)

Dec 7, 2019
@undeadclown i know, but i forgot because of the long time between chapter. To be honest a barely remember the initial plot

So each time i wonder why the censorship is absurd !
Active member
Mar 4, 2020
revealing the target true color huh? interesting.. kind like persona game but no shadow i guess..
Dex-chan lover
May 6, 2019
I don't really care about the censoring anymore... I WANT MORE PLOT
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2018
It was like when I was play Tree of Savior and trying to clear a hidden quest to unlock some hidden class. The thing is, I barely had any clue to what should I do.
Dex-chan lover
May 17, 2018
The author keeps shoving Kusora in our faces while also getting Hikami to show up more and more each arc. Won't be surprised if the climax of this manga involves a waifu wars event between the two.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 14, 2018

If I had to guess he's going to end up with both of them, coupled with the warning about high affection rates in one of the early chapters, and well, poor fella's going to need to invent a heavier word than Yandere.
Group Leader
Jul 16, 2018
@libbies True, true. But h doesn't need to right? If his plans works, the bomb won't be going off, and the hotel's safe. If the bomb does go off, that means he failed to stop her, the mission failed, and he'll be reloading anyways. So in the end, it doesn't matter whether he's actually using the kids as hostages or not; they're never in any actual danger. I was just laughing at the twistedness of the logic first, but when you consider it seriously, it only makes more sense. Why waste time being clever when being stupid will work just as well? Get those kids in here!

I didn't think of it your way all though though, and I can explain that too. I'd find it weird that he thinks 'it's a petty plan to use...' and not 'it's a petty plan to trick her like this...'. The second would give me a pleasant surprise right in the moment(author fooled me twice!) while the first way would suggest that the author, instead of revealing that at he most suspenseful -- and probably best -- moment they could ever reveal it, the moment the kids are actually in danger, had instead decided to save that reveal for a time where it's more of afterthought no one cares about, later.

So idk, what you're saying makes perfect sense, but considering how intimate the character perspective has been, I don't want to believe the MC wouldn't be sharing that information with us through narration. Because that would incline me to believe the author just made a mistake by leaving it out. Wheeras right now, I see it more as "that logic's twisted but hilarious because it makes perfect sense in context."

So yeah, I think they both work, but "they were never in the hotel!" is a little harder for me to swallow. Either way, the whole situation is very entertaining for me. Love this manga.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 13, 2018
this whole chapter went smoother than I thought it ever would, everything just fell into place.

Author-san has acquired a heart lol
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2018
Move to Japan, become a member of the Japanese diet and work towards removing censorship. Best of luck.
Jun 24, 2020
Woot, author's title being blue balled by publishers by black bar *intended pun

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