A Lazy Guy Woke Up as a Girl One Morning - Vol. 1 Ch. 8

Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Jelly_Storm, You mean the anime/manga concept of "otokonoko" and not the trans panic evoking slur, presumably.

Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
@dicedmangoes Most trans people really feel uncomfortable with "trap", so I bring it up when I see it mentioned in the MD comments. I've been trying to be less needlessly confrontational about it, though.
Aggregator gang
Aug 13, 2018
@dicedmangoes It isn't. But some dumb trans whoevers recently decided it would be such a great idea to somehow start identifying with/empathizing with trap characters in fiction and somehow they bent their asses backwards so much that they somehow came to the conclusion that: traps ≈ trans people, therefore "calling somebody a trap (even if the character which that would be referring to IS just a trap) is transphobic, you bigot!"

There is still some untold, unnecessarily complicated stuff about 'trans history' included in this dispute as well, but pretty much nobody other than the trans people ever knows nor cares about that, so it should be rather clear that pretty much everybody who says "trap" doesn't think about any trans bullshit and so he/she doesn't use it as any sort of 'slur' either.

TL;DR: No.
Aggregator gang
Jan 28, 2019
@MidnighTea im trans, trap is not a slur, as trap refers to crossdressers, just because some phobes call transwomen traps to be mean, doesnt change what the word means

secondly, if im called a trap, i take that as a COMPLIMENT, because if someone thinks im a trap, it means i actually pass <3
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
@Nari "I'm trans, I'm not offended therefor no other trans people should be offended" is not great logic. For one thing, it's reinforcing the stereotype that all trans people are the same, which... yeah, no we're not. We're all people before being our labels.

Most trans people I know find "trap" to be painful and offensive. I will bring it up anytime I see anyone use the term in comments so people are informed. It's a public service.

EDIT: I'm glad you're happy, btw, and I wish you best of luck passing too! :)
Dex-chan lover
May 21, 2019
page 23
yeah if you seen the pre-serialization chapter 13 raw you'd think that be foreshadowing but the chapter directly after that one completely abandoned it, hopefully the serialization does it justice
Apr 14, 2018
Hopefully the story progresses beyond the pre-serialization,its a pretty good series.
Aggregator gang
Jan 28, 2019
@MidnighTea i did not say i was trans as to make a statement regarding all transpeople, i said it to give background on why my opinion on what trap means matters
secondly, i didnt say other trans cant be offended, they sure can, and i can think its stupid for thinking that because trap quite literally does not refer to transpeople, but i can respect their feelings on the matter

i think what im trying to convey is simple: trap is not a slur, however it can be used like a slur

by claiming "trap is a slur" it ends up being where you cant say the word at all, even when refering to actual traps (crossdressers almost always like being called a trap) which is just wrong, thats like trying to claim that "cracker" is a slur because some people use that to refer to skin colour .... it can be used offensively but it in and of itself is not offensive

basically context matters

(PS. nearly all of my transgirl friends quite literally call themselves traps, one of them calls themselves a "24/7 trap" ... "i have friends who are..." is anectdotal and do not nesscarily convey the majority opinion)
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Nonetheless @Nari the circles I'm in do really want people to know the term upsets them and it seems pretty much the consensus in most other groups I've been to. In any case I'm allowed to represent them by informing people they don't like it.
You're allowed to think it's stupid, but I'm also allowed to completely disregard your opinion. Which I am, starting right now.
Aggregator gang
Jan 28, 2019
@MidnighTea i mean, ok, odd that you would speak to represent transpeople while slectively choosing which transpeople to disregard and which to not. but i mean, thats standard among LGBT and Allies so meh

and i never denied it upsets people, im just saying that context matters, if your calling a transperson a trap, then yes its offensive, but it by definition cannot be a slur, this is fact, as a slur is a word specifically targetting a group of people and whose ONLY purpose is to offend

Trap neither targets transpeople specifically and rarely actually refers to transpeople, hence, not a slur, a word thats offensive to use for certain people? yes. slur? no... please learn how words work before you make blanket claims like "such and such is a slur"

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