@Ceereus Aw. Same here.

(I wrote that message very late and didn't release how full of mistakes it was, 2nd langage ugh xD It hurts to see it now lmao. My bad for your eyes)
You said it well. It feels greatly unnatural, they show pretty much 0 concerns about his health and only displayed how unwelcome his coming back was.
Your last two lines where fitting. It's sad his childhood friend is more concerned about the pain he has been going through during Mc's absence (and his bf) than recognizing that he wasn't to blame and as you said there is nothing wrong with him pursuing his dreams. Poor guy lost 5 years of his life and his lover, the pain should be enough but no break? XD
We did have a lot to say about that first chapter, sorry for the spoiler tag, wasn't really one but when in doubts (; ̄▽ ̄)
Had fun talking about it. Hope to meet you again~ In lattest chapters or another story or elsewhere (*๓´╰╯`๓)♡