Miku fight alone while Hana get Aya with herBut yeah, this chapter solidifies why Hana might be the strongest Love Sou-ldier we currently have outta all the cast. She had the delulu power as big as Miku but without the side effects of harming herself.
I agree, she's a dork and I like her that way.I hope not. We have enough delulu characters already. Hinata, Sakura and Kanaria are already an endangered species.
Akane isn't delusional either. She's certainly not as levelheaded as Hinata, Sakura, or Kanaria, but she at least lives in reality. For that matter, Sakura is the notable one since she hasn't received bodyguard training and she's still exceedingly stable.I hope not. We have enough delulu characters already. Hinata, Sakura and Kanaria are already an endangered species.
Kanaria demonstrating her power level.
Her delulu warrior power level is over 9000!
Or maybe not. Man, To get told to your face your delulu power is weak.
Mad respect to Kana for having enough self-control to stop.
Or at least a semblance of it.
Nah, she was trying to level up her delusion but failed
No she isn't, she was trying to be a girl failure and cringed so hard at herself she stopped
She got so embarrassed by what she was saying she had to break character. Her mind hasn't broken to where she believes it yet. Kana mind break when?
Kana......thats kinda awkward
instant self-destruction