I think the funniest thing about this, is Suzuki bringing up about their time they have remaining for lunch.
My man Suzuki points out the truly most important thing: lunch.
I still stand by my statement that Suzuki is the best male character in this story. Sou was far too one note and the "airheaded" routine was getting old, especially when the only people playing off of it were the girls who have all started to coalesce into a homogenized blob of horny with only a couple of them still having a bit more depth (Hinata and Sakura).
Suzuki adds some much needed contrast and acts as a perfect foil to Sou. Hell, literally the reason we've gotten so much backstory for Hinata is specifically
because Suzuki confronted Sou about "breaking" Hana and his Yuri dream and the shenanigans that ensued. I'm genuinely looking forward to how his interactions with his own guard students will be once the swap ends since that is rife with potential development.