Before people ping me about the math of the poison mushrooms on page 8, those are the numbers mentioned in the raw. I have no clue how high the author was when they were writing this, because 5 * 200 is nowhere near 10,000
@potatofood I think the author mixed up the previous “50G” from the 10 mushrooms more recently mentioned and thought 50G was 1 mushroom hence 50*200=10000.
i wonder if what was gossiping about the other princess is actually all true.
judging from when she got appointed as next queen and that smile at least some of it is.
Before people ping me about the math of the poison mushrooms on page 8, those are the numbers mentioned in the raw. I have no clue how high the author was when they were writing this, because 5 * 200 is nowhere near 10,000