A Stepmother's Märchen - Vol. 1 Ch. 40 - Christmas (7)

May 26, 2020
Can Shuli just end up as a single mother or at least end up with Nora.. I just need the cute mom bonding timeeee
Aug 12, 2019
I don't understand why everyone hates the prince so much...?
He seems like a nice guy and he doesn't look like he has any bad intentions. Please help this confused bean :'(

I still ship her with nora though
Active member
Apr 2, 2018
@aufrive Because it's clear that he's one of the driving reasons why Nora has a poor relationship with his family. He's effectively wedged himself in as a "perfect son figure" that Nora is constantly compared to by his father. The Prince knows he's doing this too, and continues to get closer to Nora's parents as a result.

I don't like him, and don't trust that he actually loves Shuli. The priest at the castle even remarked that the Prince is trying to "collect" all of the noble parents. The Price didn't even try to deny it. Now, it could just be that he was just trying to hide his feelings, but we already know that he's got Nora's parents in his hands.
Nov 5, 2019

Eggactly, and the fact that shuli looks like his mom??? Sus as heck. I agrée with you, he’s prob got some kinda parent obsession. It ain’t right to home wreck some other kids family.
Nov 5, 2019

Eggactly, and the fact that shuli looks like his mom??? Sus as heck. I agrée with you, he’s prob got some kinda parent obsession. It ain’t right to home wreck some other kids family.
Feb 17, 2020
shuli i swear to god if you don't GETCHA SELF TOGETHER .
sigh....... just,SIGH........
May 9, 2020
@reu It's not that there is anything spoiler related at all about how so many readers dislike the prince, it's more about his behavior and actions so far. At the very least is that the Prince most definitely has an Oedipus Complex (aka MOMMY ISSUES ala Pornhub 🤢) and is actively homewrecking Nora's family life by being the "perfect son." Probably trying to make himself feel better about the glacier-like relations he has with his father and the empress. I'd bet anyone $5 he resents his little brother too., but we don't know the Baby Prince's very well yet, so we'll see.

Nora has a bit of a temper and likes to have fun by skipping lessons when he can "escape". Nora is a Teenager, of course he wants to skive off class now and again, especially when he's a teenage noble who doesn't get much choice, if any, in what's on his time table. Nobility, especially children, didn't really have that much personal freedom. Shuli's family isn't the norm, but they can get away with it a bit more due to rank, but even they have a schedule to keep. And wouldn't you want some time to yourself if you lived in that toxic ass house?? The prince (whose name I've already forgotten lol) is actively undermining Nora's relationships with his parents. Admittedly, they don't seem to have been very good at the start anyway, but who knows how long Prince Whats-his-name has been doing this? Years, probably.

The prince is also being pretty Yandere about his affections for Shuli, even if you disregard that she looks like his mom. He keeps following her around and stuff even after she did her best to reject him without causing a scandal or insulting the crown. He is being deliberately obtuse and putting Shuli on the spot in front of literally hundreds of people, including the Emperor. He is manipulating the situation to his benefit. This would normally be fine and understandable since he likes her and wants to spend time with her. Except he is out loud asking her, a recently widowed Marchioness with 4 CHILDREN, to go with him, a PRINCE, to a dark, romantic, secluded, and (more importantly) RESTRICTED library.

Princeling is not an idiot. He is very aware that this at the least will cause rumors to fly. Something probably sparked just by him choosing to dance with her when he should have only danced in the finale. If any of those books get damaged or stolen, it won't matter that he gave her permission to be in there. At most, it could affect her and the kids' standing amongst the nobility and dishonor their family, maybe even worse. He probably doesn't care about the potential consequences very much, if he cares at all. He's the Prince, he Gets What He Wants. And what he wants is Shuli.

I'm very concerned about what his reaction will be if she rejects him a second time, which what I think is about to happen.😱 Yandere don't like it when they get rejected, especially if there's an audience.

So yeah, that's why most of the readers don't like the Prince lol. Sorry for the rant, I have many, many Opinions.
Dec 9, 2019

well, everybody knows already that he has a huge mother complex so

i don't know if what's going to happen next is a part of his plan but i think it is, they're going to the library and an accident happened then when jeremy found where they are, seeing them in such situation, he was about to punch the prince when the cardinal and royal guards arrive. arresting him for attempting to murder a royalty (not sure but something like that). i mean, hello??? what are the chances that they're going to arrive in the exact moment?? it's very sketchy and planned for me.

it was said before that he would do anything just to get shuli, and in fact that what he's feeling is not love but more of seeing her as someone similar to her mother (as said by the empress) and also, when the cardinal said that if he is planning to add shuli to his collection of parents since he already got nora's parents. that's why nora doesn't like him, if i remember correctly, nora said to the prince that he's fake or something, making his parents mad at him for saying something like that towards the prince/his cousin.

it's just that, he's very cunning and would do whatever it takes to take something he likes. even if it meant to make jeremy and others look bad so that in shuli's eyes, he's the only good "son". that's what he said, himself. SON.

that's what he also did to nora, hmp. that's why in his father's eyes, nora is a very problematic kid, but it's all because of the prince.

i liked him at first too but after reading spoilers and raws, i didn't like him much. he would be a perfect match for shuli but meh, it's all an act.
Mar 20, 2020
@Mewples you're right. But i hope they're together as a friend honestly. Being an empress sounds like more trouble than it's worth. Ngl i just want her to end up with nora😌
Aggregator gang
Sep 27, 2019
@Heenimakira Well their was apparently something on IOU’s about her death like the country falling into ruin so perhaps they need her to be....
Anyway ships are ships they may all sail but only the author can make it arrive at the destination
You know just for the sake of being controversial, it would be nice if she could actually be with the man who helped her previously? He may of been a fake but maybe she could make him a real love interest besides it offers her more emotional security
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 7, 2018
I know it's plot that shuli looks really similar to the previous empress but damn they look identical aside from hair shade/length 😭 also i cant believe the prince admitted to collecting parents but felt offended when shuli implied he was just longing for parental love vjkfkgg all the teens in this series just seem to be suffering from bad parents (even ohara!! Maybe in this life she'll have a nice relationship with jeremy and she'll like shuli/let her go to the wedding)

Also it's a long shot and the author does a good job of implying the kids loved her in her previous life, but i still kinda wish we knew how they reacted after she was murdered in the first timeline....
Sep 18, 2019
maybe shuli's actually a relative of the previous empress, so that's why they're so similar in appearance? or maybe there's a plot twist and they're doppelgangers. or the most ridiculous; another timeline's shuli became the empress and then passed away after our shuli reincarnated lol
Aggregator gang
Sep 27, 2019
@Heenimakira Her fake partner she had, if it’s possible it should be pursued, logically it makes more sense but the circumstances regarding it could be ‘controversial’
Mar 16, 2019

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