The Fantasie of a Stepmother - Vol. 1 Ch. 62 - Epilogue 6 - The Ending of a Fairy Tale (7)

Nov 6, 2020
Look at it this way, all of them were kids, 15 and under, right? They had assumed that Shulli would be around forever. Not once would these kids have thought that she might someday disappear. Also, imagine your mother being replaced by someone who is young enough to be your sister. They did not take is quite well and were just playing around with her like how 'normal' kids would do. They had no idea how society worked.
On the other hand Shulli had matured a little too early for her age, making it difficult for her to approach the kids. She thought her only job was to make sure the kids grew up healthy and well, and that she did not deserve to receive love from them for replacing their mother.

I'm not really skilled at putting my thoughts in words. Sorry if all this made no sense.🙏😅
Jun 27, 2020
can the epilogue please end so we can get back to the present timeline by fragile heart cannot take this 😭😭😭😭
Jul 18, 2019
Oh my goodness! Who cuts onions here????
And Theo deserves more than baldness, wo does that damn cardinal
Feb 14, 2021
Once again a great chapter packing an enormous emotional punch. As always a huge thank you for everybody involved in bringing it to us!
Random thought/side note prompted by the height chart at the very end: If the twins are 120 cm, and Elias and Shuli are approx 160 cm, then the top of the twins' heads should be level with their brother's/step-mother's chest, and not their waist. Not that I'm unused to manhwas making young children irrationally pea-sized, it's just that I found this height chart picture genius. If you look at it closely, Elias is holding out his right hand at about the height the twins realistically should be at, and looking down grinning. So the scene between the three kinda looks as tho he's teasing his little siblings about how tall they should be yet aren't, and Rachel & Leon being unimpressed by their big brother's words in response. 🤣
Nov 6, 2020
I am not defending the kids and their behavior in any way but I kind of understand them.
Imagine your mother dies and you father goes ahead and brings home a girl, not even an adult woman, to sort of replace her. I don't think any sane child would be like, " Oh great! New young mom, lets go!!" ... NO.
The kids were never explained why Shulli was chosen to be the new lady of the house. The kids were confused and angry, and what do kids do when they don't like someone? Prank them. Even if they liked her, it would not be easy for them to accept her right off the bat.

I'm sorry if all this made no sense. I'm not good at wording my thoughts.😅
Group Leader
Jul 27, 2018
Didn’t Elias had a fight with the younger prince? Not Prince Theobald the crown prince, but the younger one. I’m sure this was mentioned back in the ball before Jeremy’s charge

Edit : Yes I was right, refer to Chapter 40, Elias pushed Prince Lethren or whatever his name is, not Theobald
Aug 3, 2019
Oh come on, how long is this filler gonna last.
What if scenario is only good for one or two chapters.

More than that, its just dragging.
When are we gonna get to the main story line
Oct 18, 2019
The only message here is, for some people, they recognize the value of something/someone only when it’s lost, in other word: regret.
Whether you are old, young, noble, commoner, regret always comes later
Aug 5, 2020
tyvm for the translation 😖 😍.
goshhhh they really love shuli on the her first life. why are people saying its a filler(is a chapter that have nothing to do with the story) like bruhh they explain both sides like how shuli thought they hated her and how the kids loves her very much but can't show it. so that we can know what really happened :/ . like you can just wait yeah or read the light novel :'}.
Jan 6, 2019
@magidoe wtf can you stop calling her "milf this milf that" she has name. It's Shuli. Just call her by her name it's not that hard. And they're all literally still kids. Judging from your stupid comment I bet you're no better than them. I bet you're rude to your parents too.
Nov 5, 2019
I keep forgetting that Shuli is still a teenager. She plays the mother role well. Tho i guess its something close to a big sister they all never had. But its really sad that since nothing was completely grounded in their relationship, it completely strained it. Glad that she has another chance to establish it well
May 14, 2019
omg.. so much depressing.. so much sadness.. so much grief.. again i came here to see the wholesome family.. not to see some darkest plot..
Mar 3, 2020
thought we were about to see them two duke it out or something.
that blonde idiot isn't such an idiot after all. but he's still an idiot.
the pope and cardinal Snape better get what's coming to them or I won't be happy.
how many more chapters of "epilogue" are there? I thought it would end with her death.
maybe the purpose is to show the past so that we the reader are aware of such characters like the pope.
May 16, 2019
This epilogue arc is making me wonder if her regression to past was something done by someone in the old timeline. And if someone else also came back to past with her.
Nov 24, 2019
this epilogue arc is violently bouncing me between angst and "oh my god nora's hot" and i have no idea how to feel. also will this manhwa really end at this arc? i know romance wasn't really the focus but i did want to see some payoff between shuli and nora ;3;

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