Maybe a slasher film would be better. However, I think the most effective kind of movie would be actually an ugly drama with lots of suspicion, jealousy, and cheating. That might push Kuru over the edge.
Well, his plans are pretty poor. It doesn't matter what they do together, Yandere would only care that he was with her. Why hasn't he think of inviting someone else to a romantic movie and then just drop it in casual conversation to her?
that's kinda the issue here. He lacks either the character or understanding of yandere that would allow him to act in a way where she would kill him. I mean, dude took the camera stuffed doll of herself she gave him and whispered how he loved her to it. Nigs never gonna die and she's gonna remain the happiest yandere in existence. Yes, even happier than he one from Flag Capture In The First Move. (yeah, remember that oneshot where the yandere is trying to be creepy but the guys all like "alright, other girls don't like me anyways", "sorry, I should have given you a copy of my keys" or "alright lets have a baby"...yeah, I only just found out this is a series now.)
The point of the manga isn't him being killed by her, but his depression being juxtaposed with her feelings of happiness. Plus, like I said, dude wants to die but that doesn't mean he wants to hurt others in the process. Usually the opposite, a lot of people who commit suicide want it to be as unnoticed as possible. All in all, it's a cute little story despite the context, and I like it.
yeah, he doesn't have the kind of character that would let this go sideways so it's just going to be sad past with present fluff. I like it too. A well treated yandere is purely adorable.