A Witch's Hopeless Wish - Ch. 51

Active member
Dec 18, 2018
My theory? I think that face is probably somewhere along the lines of: "My adoptive mother is looking for the witch (Eleanor) so what do I do now?" Since he does owe practically everything that he is today to Duchess Hadeslane. He honestly has no idea what the Duchess actually plans to do with the witch once she finds her, the truth behind the fire incident withstanding, so he's probably scared of the consequences of him possibly betraying his adoptive mother in order to protect the woman he loves. Or he could just be plain angry at both himself and the villagers for doing what they did the Eleanor now that he knows the real truth. I mean think about it, the last conversation he had with Eleanor as a child was of her accusing him of "being just like them". He's probably still very angry at himself for hurting her all those years ago and not doing anything to stop his father from rousing the villagers to try and kill her. So yeah. . . probably A LOT of anger there for that reason alone.
Oct 30, 2018
I`d like to believe that he is angry at someone else, not Eleanor, but the way that it is present, i think that he`s probably angry at eleanor and maybe misunderstood something? idk feel like thing are going to heat up now
May 9, 2019
I just want Eleanor to be happy. If Caiden hurts her in anyway I hope she won’t forgive him and he loses her forever. Tired of when a ML seriously hurts the woman they claim to love and then getting forgiven by the woman at some point/still ending up with her
Fed-Kun's army
Feb 23, 2019
Pow right in the kisser.

Also pretty sure his contempt at the end it probably towards the demon.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
That was a hot ass first kiss.

Also I dont know why people think hes mad at Eleanor, hes obviously pissed at the demon.
Jun 23, 2020
The 999 souls probably have already been taken since its not like Eleanor had any choice when the people collapsed soulless. It was the slums and slums usually are overpopulated. I believe it was talked about how that was a pretty large slum as well. This also makes sense in Eleanor's reason on wanting to die due to the guilt of killing those people. And her vast knowledge on herbs.
My main question is how did Duchess Hadeslane figure out/come up with the conclusion of a witch starting the fire and why does she want her to die. My only answer is that she thought the witch would lead her to Noah and she wants to kill him?
I believe that Caidel is angry at one or multiple of these options. I believe that his confession was genuine.
A) Conflict between having to chose between Hadeslane and Eleanor
B) Anger at Eleanor having to live like that, including the way she was treated where she previously lived.
C) Angry at the demon.
D) Confusion on Noah and how she suddenly became the daughter of the other Duke since she didn't mention it at all.
Apr 22, 2020
Pretty sure he's angry on behalf of Eleanor and what she had to go through, instead of at her. Especially since he knows that shady-Noah is also involved in this mess somehow
Dex-chan lover
Jul 12, 2018
Don't you hate it when a bae ur trying to hook up with turns out to be the killer you've been searching for your whole life 😔
Jul 17, 2020
I'm really, REALLY hoping he's just outraged by Eleanor's suffering. If he turns on her in any capacity, I don't think I can accept him as ML. If he really hated her, he could just break her heart and let her resign herself to finding a way to die again. There would be no need for him to try and fool her with romance and give her a reason to live again, only to take it away.

Also, I really can't believe that Caidel would genuinely hold resentment towards a child who was tormented her whole life by powers she didn't ask for; her only wish was to be 'normal'. She didn't know about the price, and was just a desperate child who didn't want to die. If Caidel is someone who can't reconcile that, after having rejected her once ALREADY (albeit when he was a kid), then he really doesn't deserve Eleanor.
Feb 1, 2020
oh lord that was a JOURNEY literally wtf was THAT
i really hope caidel isn't plotting anything dark please please PLEASE i don't want him to be some twisted ml😔
i hope that his expression at the end was anger/resentment towards the villagers and not the ellen herself
i really don't think it's plausible that he listened to her story, thought about it, kissed her and confessed only for all of that to be a lie unless he's just some amazing actor
also do they even remember each other from the past? like?? did they not connect the dots or????

that was a lot to process but i'm still gonna give him the benefit of the doubt for this one
the moment he turns on ellen though i'm dipping lol
Oct 24, 2018
I wonder if they're going to drop the bomb that Noah is actually the demon she wished to or something. And him meeting her was all one convoluted plan of his. NAH that's too out there and makes no sense.
Active member
Jun 7, 2019
Thanks for the update. Whew! Between the fire and that kiss, first half was HOT. Now, I'm joining the worried for Caidel's look. But I'll also be joining on the theory of Caidel choosing between Elen and the Earl, the woman he loves may not be an actual monster (at least she hasn't "killed" anyone again after obtaining immortality) but only wishes to be normal once more and his adoptive mother who saved him. Ofc he could also be mad at the villagers, especially at his dad and the ones who chained her (I mean, remember everyone. The dude didn't hesitate in attempting to murder a fraud who took credit of her work, this fits his character) but if its the small chance of him STILL wanting vengeance in some sort of way (WHY would he even want vengeance? From Ellen's POV, he had no friends, got abused by his father *or it might be an unlikely thing of Caidel mentally altering his own memory due to the traumatic event. I mean, why DID he seek out the witch in the beginning again? Seems like there's a difference between his thoughts and Elen)
Jun 27, 2020

But caidel's planning something. Maybe its a trap or maybe its not caidel but its noah. hahahahahahaha jk jk
Apr 17, 2020
Sfx: oh shit!

So Caidel's face is probably because he's like 'so this is the witch who burned my town' but who knows really. Caidel pls don't hurt her. You've done enough
Apr 20, 2020
omg what the hell was that face at the end🙃 i HOPE TO GOD caidel doesn't do a full 180 pls i love him i really hope he doesn't ruin this :( also i just hope that he doesn't hurt ellen either. that poor girl has been through enough already she deserves nothing but happiness!! her immortality thing still hasn't been explained though? the devil or whatever that she summoned never said anything about that and the book didn't mention it either so? how did she know she was immortal i'm confused but anyway i really really really am praying to god that caidel is just mad at the villagers and not ellen. his expression might also come from the fact that he's probably conflicted on whether he should side with ellen or the earl. if he does follow through with revenge, i think it's more out of obligation for the sake of the earl😕 i mean it's not like he lost anything precious from the fire apart from his father, which although he was abusive, maybe he still had a familial bond with him. idk anymore but i really wasn't expecting that ending
Aug 12, 2018
Damn bruh! He went in, tongue and everything!😱 Lol get your girl then, I guess. Since he kissed her, I don't think he blames her for what happened. So I'm betting he wants to kill Noah to protect her or find out why he was lied to in the first place about the village. He's probably conflicted about his originally memories and what the Earl has told him about the incident and now the actual truth from Eleanor herself. I assume he believs Eleanor since he's known her enough now to know her true character.

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