Ability to suggest missing tags/genres for a manga ala Steam

Sep 23, 2018
To be clear, I'm not suggesting the ability to suggest brand new tags/genres that don't exist in the system yet. I'm talking about suggesting existing tags to be added to a manga that should be tagged with them but isn't.

I keep running into Manga with no tags or a very incomplete tag list. There should be a way to get the missing tags added without allowing every user to add or remove whatever they want and without requiring a staff person to manually review (IE: read) something to verify if the tags are correct. This means community moderation.

I think users should be able to suggest missing tags, and these tags can be voted on up or down. All of the currently suggested tags will show up when you open a manga. For filtering, I think a tag would need to reach a certain threshhold (x more upvotes than downvotes) or ratio (x total votes, y% upvoted) in order to be used for filtering. Steam uses a system like this, though I'm not sure how it works for content filtering. In terms of implementation, the suggested tags would need to be stored and evaluated separately from the accepted tags, meaning at least one new db table.

One sticking point I can think of: what happens with manga with low total views? If there's a threshold, anything with low views will necessarily have low votes.

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