About the recent rehosting drama :rejected:

Jun 16, 2019
Hm. I guess that's what happens when people let themselves entangle in moral dilemmas based on flawed premises.

I believe it's too late now for anything to be done about this as both sides have put up their acts of injured parties and need to prove to the world they are on the side of virtue.

But in my opinion, MDex has gotten the whole thing wrong.

As a small-time scanlator, I say: enough of this rubbish of "respecting the scanlators' wishes/rights".

Scanlators have no rights. They chose to pirate copyrighted work as a hobby, for heaven's sake. When did this cease to be about enjoying your hobby and releasing cool content to micromanaging where said content ends up? And Kissmanga will rehost everything anyway. How pointless can a temper tantrum get?

Aggregators exist for the readers. Their primary role is to supply a place where readers can converge and read manga without having to flit from a scanlator's site to the next, or manually setting RSS feeds for each one, while keeping track of new series they might like in every place. Secondarily, they supply a platform for discussion on the manga they like.

Scanlators are tangential to the whole matter. Before Batoto, Mangafox accepted direct uploads, but it forced uploaders to compress images because they had a cap of 40 MB ZIP file size. Anyone could upload, regardless of scanlators' wishes. And nobody complained. (Except perhaps scanlators, privately.)

We're so used to the post-Batoto world of no-compression and scanlator oversight that we forget this is a privilege, not an entitlement.

Here's my suggestion to MDex. Amend your rules this way:

i. No group has a right to stop their work from being re-hosted.

ii. Chapter removals are forbidden unless they are to be replaced by second versions, which need approval from a moderator. (Like it was with Batoto.)

iii. So your choice is whether you want to claim leadership of your group and have some control over your uploads (like second versions and perhaps short delays), or whether you want nothing to do with it and readers or staff will upload whether you want or not.

Problem solved. Drive a wedge between scanlators who don't give a damn where their work is (like myself and I suspect a majority), but would find the ability to upload corrections and keep native page size and resolution convenient (which was originally the only thing that distinguished Batoto from the older aggregators); and the scanlators who seem to give themselves more importance than you'd expect from the small-time crooks we all are.

Yes, Mangastream, too. And Easy Going, and LOLScans, and all those who had opted out from the beginning or more recently. Scorched earth, baby!

There are possible refinements. You could make it so that groups who behave upload second versions without moderation, and blacklist for moderation those who use the second-version right to sabotage your policy. Anything to cordon off the party-busters and discipline them.

Some of them might retaliate, like LOLScans and their silly huge watermark versions they used as decoys. No worries, let the readers do the quality control. Everyone hates a spoilsport, they'll upload the right versions eventually without your staff having to lift a finger. And if a group decides to increase watermark size for all their releases and blame it on you before the readers, that will only cause them to be sniped eventually. You can lean back and enjoy the show.

The problem is that you wanted to set yourselves apart from Kissmanga and the rest of the riff-raff. That's an attitude Batoto never had: they simply ignored the other aggregators, did their thing and did not for a moment think that their rules made themselves better or worse than the others.

And you know what? You aren't, either. The only thing that sets a Batoto-style aggregator apart from the rest is their sensible refusal to rehost rip-offs from official publishers, since that might invite legal retaliation. Everything else is like a code of honour between thieves - an utterly risible fiction nobody should give a second thought to.

Are you afraid that scanlators who don't particularly mind rehosting, but might take the side of the ones who do out of a misguided "principle" that scanlators should have the choice over it, will stop uploading to MDex? Again, let them. The readers will do the rest. Mangafox didn't have scanlator support and that never stopped the chapters from finding their way into it.

Or perhaps you fear readers will pull off their support (donations included) if you decide to appease the tantrum-throwers out of some "principle"? Don't make me laugh. The reason they support MDex is that you don't have malware or ads, keep native page size, have a neat interface with long-strip reading, resize options, and front page content filters; not this bilge of "by the scanlators, for the scanlators". It didn't work in the original document, and it won't work here. Heck, the more complete your collection is, the more likely you are to get loyal readers to contribute.

Or is it that you want to keep some moral high-ground over the tantrum-throwers? Are you afraid they'll say, "we knew it, it was all a farce!", is that it? Just tell them, "Yeah, got a problem with it?" You don't have a moral high ground, they don't, nobody does and never will.

Or perhaps it's because you were originally a scan group, Anidex, and thus feel sympathy towards the tantrum-throwers? Do you feel doing as I suggest would be hypocrisy? Well, more on hypocrisy below, but if you have that kind of scruple, why stop there? There's no qualitative difference from groups whose members are still around but are inactive over six months. What I'm getting at is that every single limit you impose yourselves is artificial. (Except official rip-offs, as I said, since these affect publishers, who are not pirates.)

I am aware of that silly PR exercise of yours from yesterday and that you may be wishing to keep the high ground. My point is, you don't have any, and neither do the tantrum-throwers. There's time to walk back on that nonsense. There always is. Just be honest and say, "We got wound up in our own stupidity, but the scales have dropped from our eyes now." You don't even need to thank me.

If you let yourselves climb this slippery slope, you'll end up exactly like Batoto, deleting chapters at the first DMCA, only you'll do it for scanlators. It's ironic that you rehost all the chapters of series Batoto didn't keep for that reason, and even official releases from publishers that no longer exist, but are all antsy about what a bunch of self-important people who forgot the meaning of "piracy" think. Isn't that like, textbook hypocrisy?

I can't believe you let yourselves into a corner by people who are absolutely powerless to stop you. "Might makes right" is only a poor option in systems where it's unclear where power lies. After you made this site and got your reader base, you hold all the cards. And that's true of any aggregator.

This is not to say you shouldn't listen to suggestions. I heard a case of a person who pulled off their content because it was BL porn with uncensored genitals and you didn't allow them to label it "hentai". They felt they didn't want someone to open it in work or a train without knowing it was NSFW content. That's the only sensible case for pulling work out of MDex I've ever heard. Seriously, listen to sense and do away with the hentai label, which is too vague. Create instead BL-porn, GL-porn and straight-porn so that people know where they're treading. Yaoi and Yuri are not clear enough for someone to know whether it's just tit-licking or… you get my drift. My point is, let your choices be guided by reason, not dogma. (By the way, this is totally unrelated to my central point, I'm just giving an example of necessary dialogue with scanlators.)

In summary: keep an open channel to scanlators, but don't let them dictate terms in a site that's aimed at readers. Your whole premise is nothing more than holier-than-thou flummery otherwise.

Or, you know, don't. Stick to your guns and do your nonsense, nobody's gonna stop you. But other than some staff resigning in protest (how many minutes would it take to replace them, I wonder?), I don't see what you have to gain conniving at the bastards' antics, or to lose by putting them in their place.
Jan 24, 2018
This site was created with the ruleset of scanlators having control over their works.
As much as I agree with you, the admins do not, so there's nothing we can do, and I doubt you can convince them with this text.
Power Uploader
Jan 18, 2018
I think I have a better suggestion - that is, "allowing re-use translation from other group"

Now, this is a really dick move if you ask me, consider that any scans out there could be mirrored to MD under a totally different group which makes them unable to be removed by the other group. The pro? At least it has to be re-TS by another group so they can partially claim the scans for themselves in order to re-host it here.

Same ideal applied to the original scanlator who released for a group. Say the group pulled out against his own will, so he should be allowed to re-host the scans he manually did all the TL/CL/RD/TS to MD under a new group, and previous group shouldn't be able to claim it's "their" works because guess what, all they have contributed is at most proofreading the TL and then slap their group name on it.

In the end, people are already re-hosting deleted scans from MD by ways of translating from other languages into English, which likely was translated from English into said language in the first place. So, why don't we make things easier for our readers and allow re-using translation?

Conclusion: This rule should be updated like this:

2.3.2 Using the translated script of a release by another scanlation group is generally allowed as long as there is a significant difference from the source release, such as being translated to another language, or having significantly improved typesetting or higher quality raws.
-> If the scanlation is unavailable on Mangadex, using translated script by another scanlation group is generally allowed as long as it has been re-touched by the group who's redoing the scanlated chapter (any small error fix, line improvisation, minor tweak will do)

Again, just a wild idea, it might cause more trouble than it's worth, but the practice's out there, so yeah
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
“So this is how liberty dies… with thunderous applause”

Unfortunately, I remember that this site was built on a whim, as a hobby for fun, to interact with other scanlators, into a community. Not for powerhungry sith but who knows

@holo and @Teasday may have come from a galaxy far far away. nobody knows if you're a doggo on the internet.

P.s I'll try to be civil but you sound like the type of person who thinks that retail is for losers and you must talk to managers for your own ego.

But other than some staff resigning in protest (how many minutes would it take to replace them, I wonder?)

This in particular pissed me off the most.
Group Leader
Jan 23, 2018
It's hard to refute many of your core points. Strictly speaking, it would be extremely efficient to run the site as you've described towards the goal of "simply hosting as much manga as possible."
However, that doesn't mean I agree this is actually a good idea. In fact, I think it'd be maybe the worst PR move possible for this particular period in time. But hey, what do I know?
Dex-chan lover
Feb 17, 2018
The motivations, the process and joy of scanlating?

Atleast better than me, a shameless lecher and op (which highly suspect is an alt account)
Custom title
Jan 19, 2018
@Narset posted:

Scanlators are tangential to the whole matter.
Absolutely fucking not. A huge reason we don't just do whatever the hell we like, scanlators be damned, is to foster the growth of the hobby in general. You don't do that by becoming scummy aggregator #2346234723. Nobody in their right mind starts scanlating because they want to upload to kissmanga. Smalltime scanlators come to us because we offer them easy and fair access and a bit of presence without having to create websites of their own. Bigger scanlators willingly post their stuff here for similar reasons, a big one of which is the control they're afforded.

If we threw all that away we would have to become another generic scraper aggregator with less content flowing in than before, except we would have to be the ones writing all the scrapers to the scanlator websites while the rest of the aggregators could keep conveniently scraping us instead because they don't care as long as they don't have to spend effort. Well, at least until the next website where all the scanlators would flock to comes along. At that point, there would really be no reason we wouldn't just start compressing our images and serving ads ourselves.

I don't know how else to describe this other than a massive fundamental misunderstanding of why MD got big, how it manages to stay that way and most importantly what we're even here for.
Group Leader
Feb 18, 2018

Is that a tested hypothesis, or just a conventional assumption? I for one upload my one series here because you accept uploads without resizing, second versions and have the best reading interface. I know other groups who do that for this reason, too, and not for control.

Why don't you run a poll? Code it so that only registered team leaders can respond. Make it so that you know who answered privately, but the respondents cannot see each other's answers, just the aggregate poll. Announce it at your top page and let it run until you have a sizeable sample not just of team representatives, but also a sample you can correlate to the number of chapters groups represented are in charge of. You can even weigh the votes so that they represent actual chapter numbers (e.g. one vote by Evil Twin Scans - just an example since I haven't registered my effort as a group) is worth 100 less than a group that has uploaded 1000 chapters so far, like some international agencies (I think) weigh votes by country population. You can even present nominal votes AND weighed votes by past output. (For groups considered inactive for not having recent releases, you can give unitary weight in case they have registered leaders and they vote.)
Power Uploader
Feb 4, 2018
Nobody wants a kissmangadex for fucks sake. Why would people even use MD if it was just another scrapper agregator lol
Group Leader
Feb 18, 2018
@Intervencion Who's nobody, pale face? You? Your colleagues? How many?

My suspicion is that the vast majority of scanlators - more than enough to support MDex - would be contented with a place to directly deposit their chapters without seeing them resized, and to have minimal control, like second versions and other corrections.

The fundamental difference from MDex to the others is: no resizing, direct uploads allowed. At least, that's how I see it.

The contention that it's sites like Batoto and Mangadex that allow the hobby to thrive is also dubious at best. I saw no particular increase in the rate of birth of new groups when Batoto appeared. But I have no hard numbers and I doubt Teasday or anyone does.

@Teasday You can even run a separate poll for readers, or better yet, readers who have contributed donations in the past (you may even make readers' votes unitary, and weigh up contributors by total amount contributed), like this:

Poll 1 (team leaders): If MDex allowed you to upload at will, make second versions, did not resize your chapters, and otherwise preserved the integrity of your output, but did not allow you to pull out chapters at will and rehosted releases of even groups that don't want their work rehosted, would you still support it with direct uploads?

Poll 2 (readers and/or contributors): If MDex stopped accomodating groups' rehosting restrictions (with the possible exception of delays), but otherwise kept the same interface and respect for visual integrity of scanlators' work, would you still read in it and support it as you have in the past?

Let's stop speculating. Get hard data, know what the real opinion of those who bother to voice one is.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
I prefer MD's stance here. Scanlators should have their rights respected so that they don't feel like slaves. They're volunteers so they can quit at any time, meaning that they could devote their time and talents to other stuff with far less stress.

It makes me sad when I see readers become utterly nasty just because scanlators introduce a slight bit of inconvenience. A one day delay is enough for readers to throw death threats and start boycotts for Pete's sake. If it really was too long, you could just go visit the scanlator's site and use their reader. This isn't the stock market. You're not going to take a huge loss if the content is just slightly slow coming down the pipe.
Group Leader
Feb 18, 2018
@TamaSaga, but isn't that getting the things the other way round?

Regardless of what aggregators do, scanlators can still quit whenever they want, without facing any consequences. There was a whole world before Batoto introduced their policy. Nobody is anyone else's slave, it's not as if aggregators pulled a gun against scanlators' heads for more chapters.

If the goal is really indulging a fun hobby and getting cool things out for as many people as you can, why should rehosting matter? Isn't it just added convenience?
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
>The fundamental difference from MDex to the others is: no resizing, direct uploads allowed.
The fundamental difference is that we have no ads, give scanlators the ability to upload or remove their uploads, don't remove credits pages, and that you can communicate with us.

The revived Batoto that's bought out by MangaWindow gives people the ability to upload their own stuff without compression, has no ads, credits groups in chapter listings, and they went no where. It's essentially what MangaDex would be if we completely ignored scanlators but supported direct uploads. If that's all it took to be popular they would have taken off as well.

>The contention that it's sites like Batoto and Mangadex that allow the hobby to thrive is also dubious at best.
There are a number of scan groups that opted out of using Batoto when it existed, and the small handful that managed to survive longer than Batoto were older than Batoto itself. The rest died off and their works lost forever because they posted nowhere except their own blog, got no views, and nobody joined them to help. Scanlator supportive aggregator sites such as Batoto and MangaDex allow ease of communication between scanlators and potential scanlators (readers).

The subreddit /r/manga thrives entirely on scanlator releases. They don't allow websites where the scan group didn't upload to themselves. Most scan groups that use Batoto and MangaDex don't have a website. When Batoto died, many smaller scanlator groups came out on the subreddit and said they would quit if another aggregator didn't replace Batoto since there was little point to scanlating with no audience on their own small blog. At the time of Batoto's death, the /r/manga sub had 200,000 subscribers. After a year and a half of MangaDex's existence, /r/manga's subscriber count has jumped up to over 1 million. An increased audience on a scanlator supportive hub leads to more people learning about the existence of scanlators and scanlation, which in turn allows the hobby to thrive.

I communicate with people from other aggregators regularly to teach them about the existence of scanlation groups. An insane number of people aren't even aware that scanlation exists. Many think that other aggregators are the translators of the content themselves. An aggregator doesn't support scanlation as a hobby by just being a hub for uploading, it has to be supported by scanlators themselves.

Running a poll asking whether or not scanlators would be comfortable with us taking away their control would be pointless and would only make it seem like we were attempting to get rid of scanlator control. There may not be any concrete numbers to reference but the only reason that people bother to defend the site is that we give them absolute control of their works, based on the interactions I've had with scan groups and readers on our Discord, Forums, and Social Media. Not to mention the fact that it's the absolute opposite of what every single staff member wants for the site, we would all rather let MangaDex die than let it turn into a generic aggregator. Enough of those kinds of sites already exist
Jun 5, 2019
I think MD policy is good as is, but we as a community should respect each other’s rights particularly the rights of a scanlator as a volunteer who provide us readers the very content we stay on this website for. And dear lord it all comes down to respect and trust no?
Feb 18, 2018
At the time of Batoto's death, the /r/manga sub had 200,000 subscribers. After a year and a half of MangaDex's existence, /r/manga's subscriber count has jumped up to over 1 million
just want to correct this one. while it did jump that high, but its not entirely because of mangadex https://www.reddit.com/r/manga/comments/99a6ra/500000_manga_readers_on_reddit_we_did_it_boys/e4m5haf/
is a Reindeer
Jan 24, 2018
@lucianone I'm aware of the onboarding process, just used it as an example of numbers on a scanlator supportive hub used by scanlators. /r/manga helps the hobby thrive just as much as we do because people are made aware of the scanlators. I would use our own traffic stats, but we don't really have any exact numbers coming out of Batoto so there's not much we can compare with. We're larger than KissManga at this point, though.
Jan 21, 2018
It feels like this idea is being a bigger asshole than normal aggregrator sites...
Sep 25, 2018
Just my 2 cents but this ...to me, looks just another of those threads made to create drama...and they all started after the announcement of MD becoming the first site for manga, coincidence? hmmm... Just another "sling the mud on it for whatever reason". All I saw in the OP post is something that would make MD the next KM/*alot/whatever_aggregator name you can guess to be. Some of your point might, and I say might be right, but then are devoided of any reason/respect in the next line. Imho they are doing it right as they are, not perfect (because we are all humans after all) but still better than most that can't say otherwise matter of factly.

Edit for clarification:

I have adblockplus installed and disabled on Mangadex, and is one of 3 websites I have it disabled for, and there is absolutely nothing on it. None of the scanslator/aggregators websites (maliciously or not) can say the same.

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