Well, Hannibal, by his own decision, had come to Italy light on the baggage ( that is something people tend to forget: Hannibal had been pretty much chased all the way between Iberia and Galia Cisalpina by Roman armies, so he had to move fast ) and he had to drop a lot of what he had brought was lost in the Alps ( there is that episode where he had to burn part of his siege equipment to heat boulders that were in the way in order to fracture them, just to name one ). After he got to Galia Cisalpina and gaining his first battles, he famously decided to cross a swamp in Northern Etruria to avoid chasing armies and to gain a tactical advantage, where more equipment was lost ( a episode covered in this manga BTW ). So, even after Cannae, Hannibal was not in conditions to siege pretty muc anything ( and where he tried, in Taranto, even with the help of the locals, the Roman garrison was able to hold in the city citatel for years and actually held for long enough to see Hannibal forced to lift siege ) and the fact that he had to pretty much stay mobile for all the time he was in Italy ( both to avoid being trapped by the two or three armies that were always nearby and to be able to show everywere the Romans were menacing his allies ) was not conductive to him rebuilding his baggage train and to get siege weaponry.
Sure, the Romans after Cannae were quite aware that Hannibal presence in the field was worth an extra army or two ( same as Wellington said about Napoleon, that he alone was worth 40000 extra soldiers in his calculations
) and pretty much left him alone in the field, just focusing on not letting him to get reinforcements ... but Hannibal was also not in conditions of actually giving the final blow to Rome.
About the politicos of Carthage ... my personal opinion is that they got a black image for no particularly good reason. Sure, Hannibal was alone for years and the only help that got there was from is own brothers ( that had recruited by themselves armies in Iberia and Gaul ), but if we try to see what they could do ... there is not much.
Carthage, unlike in the 1st Punic war, was never in control of the seas ( due to the obligations Carthage had agreed to in the end of the 1st Punic war, their war navy was kept at skeleton levels ) and the Roman navy was quick to beat their navy out to its port again when they tried to act near Ostia ( the harbor of Rome proper ) in the beginning of the war. This means that any army from Carthage proper would not be able to get to Italy ( unless they could sneak across the strait of Gibraltar like Hannibal father had done to get to Iberia ) and the only reinforcements Hannibal could count on had be recruited in Iberia or Gaul and walked to Italy. And even there they would need to be able to actually join with Hannibal, something that Romans did everything they could to avoid.
Besides that, Carthage could act diplomatically and convince other neighbours of Rome besides the Gauls to join the fray ... and that basically meant to get Macedon to their side, something that they did and were willing to pay for ( literally ). But ,as it is partially covered in this manga, the messengers were intercepted and Rome made quite clear to Macedon that it was in their best interests to stay out of that fight ( if it was or not ... well, guess who was the next big baddie in the need of being conquered in the eyes of the Romans after Carthage was defeated ?
In the end it is not that the politicos had not made anything to help Hannibal ... it is just that what they could do was simply not enough to give him any meaningful help. Atleast that is my reading of the whole situation