Dick is kinda a common name and used to be extremely common hundred years ago . Btw, Dick Silver is a real name of an actor, and I believe there are a lot of people with similar name. So you'd better stop making fun of people's name.
still... "dick-sama" sounds like someone is begging for it in a hentai manga. regardless, many thanks for scanlating this. i enjoy it quite a bit apart from the name.
This is beyond boring.
I hate characters who cannot stay in character. He does not want to stay out but only does things that make him the target of everyone´s attention.
Yet nothing interesting has happened as of chapter 6. I read so many bare-bones mangas and this is the least entertaining.
I was hoping for more action. I couldn’t get past chapter 3. He’s just sat there and talked as though he’s doing a podcast. Pretty uneventful and boring IMO.