Aharen-san wa Hakarenai - Vol. 10 Ch. 94

Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@asdfwanderer @Look4Diversion @Sonaldo Looking at the Japanese raws, what the Japanese cycle gangsters (bosozoku) are doing is something where the boso loooove to be super florid with their speech and writing, because they're basically chuni and they think it's cool.

So where a normal Japanese would write 'yoroshiku' (greetings) in hiragana よろ​しく or with the simple kanji 宜しく, these guys will embroider or paint it in 'eye dialect', which is the eye watering 夜露死苦 as one example - note these are even the wrong kanji, they just pick one with the same reading for maximum effect and strokes. 夜露死苦 is actually (evening dew) (death)(pain). And when speaking they'll really draw it out and emphasize it... YO-RO-SHI-KU. You often see this speech with stereotypical yakuza as well.

So let's take a look at the panel with the hot bosozoku mom:

He's saying 母親 (hahaoya) - mother, but in a super formal way no normal kid or almost any modern Japanese person would use. But the furigana is saying かあ (kaa) and furthermore it's got ちゃん (chan) on the end, so the joke is that he's just a kid saying 'mommy!' but he's saying it super formally. And 'hahaoya-chan' is just ludicrous.

What mom's saying is even better, She's saying his name then "塾" (cram) (to) then the furigana is おく (oku), which is 'to take', but she's using the kanji 連行 (renkou) which is used for taking a suspect to the police.

So the whole chapter is filled with stuff like that, where he is speaking very abnormally like 御機嫌麗しゅ (Gokigen uruwashu) which is, formally, 'I am in an excellent mood' while the furigana is just シアッス (yooo!). It's completely untranslatable in English unless you did the same thing (large elaborate text with small informal text above it) which is probably not worth the effort. I like at least having the quotations so you know they're not talking normally, but you could also use a different font if it comes up again.

And of course thank you for translating this, it's a blast.
May 26, 2018
@sarusa ahh i see! i was translating off the chinese version, so i guess it got lost in the translation...

i'll keep the font changing in mind! thanks for the advice!
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
Appreciate the effort you took in explaining that mate. Holy hell Japanese is a nightmare. How do you even begin to learn it as a foreigner?
Group Leader
Jan 18, 2018
@Sonaldo Basically there's no way to do it without doing tons of translation on your own, whether that's immersing yourself moving to Japan, taking classes, whatever. I read and translated a heck of a lot of raw manga, repeatedly wrote and memorized all the hiragana and katakana and basic kanji. Reading translated manga will get you lots of the cultural stuff, mostly through the translator notes. Books like Pero Pero Nihongo, and at least one basic course textbook to get all the verb endings. Honestly the hardest thing is the kanji, I use WaniKani for that.
Group Leader
Jul 20, 2019
Yooo thanks for explaining it @sarusa

I've read enough manga to know about it but it was great to see the confirmation and explicit examples in the chapter

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