This manga, as of chapter 14, is interesting. Come kids, gather round around this wonderful dumpster fire, feel the warmth of it, smell it's odours! It has all you could ask (achtung! read spoilers only if you wanna be spoiled): spineless undetermined MC-kun; MC-tan who is way above the line on crazy-hot diagram; male friend-kun of MC-kun and boyfriend of MC-tan who has some kind of either deep grudge or very conflicted (might be even BL-flavoured (dunno if I wanna be wrong about it or right tbh)) feelings towards MC-kun; a very twisted, yet somehow awkward, kohai-tan, who joins the cast later and had been dumped by male friend-kun in the past and has an unresolved feelings towards him and quite possibly towards MC-kun too, and maybe even starting to develop some kind of a grudge against MC-tan! Oh-boy, relations diagram for this is gonna be complicated (forget triangles, it's quite possibly became a pentagram) by the end, and drama might thickened beyond all proportions! And there is some secrets too, probably very-very nasty ones we yet to discover (mainly about relations of MC-kun and male friend-kun, and how male friend-kun forces MC-tan to be his GF, and the thing male friend-kun done in the very beginning to MC-tan, which became a catalyst of all this).