Akatsuki no Yona - Vol. 34 Ch. 196 - Taking From Those Who Have Taken

Dex-chan lover
Jul 13, 2018
Ok. Ok, ok, ok. So there’s a good, decent chance Yoga’s father is a religious zealot who committed fratricide as Soo-won said...
Jun 29, 2020
yo yo, this translation made me understand more thank you!
Both brothers are extreme to a point. With how Il think that yona would "save" or make kouka prosper without doing anything, just because she's king hiryuus reincarnation. Then there's yuhon who always take matters on his hands.
May 31, 2020
Your translation is always worth waiting for. I think you captured the ambiguity of Yuhon's non-confession pretty well compared with other groups — I know there was some discourse over whether or not he outright denied or admitted to killing Kashi, but this translation makes the nuances really evident. In the end, We Just Don't Know.

(Just wanted to give that a shout-out, since not having godawful comments in the margins is a pretty low bar to pass.)
Jun 29, 2020
and in the anime, where yona and suwon met again, the one where they met jaeha, suwon said "not now, I still have something to do" or something like that. And his goal could be to ensure the future of kouka, and maybe he'll step down after ensuring that or maybe after he knows that yona is capable of that, as the true heir to the throne
Oct 4, 2019
yo... hes so scary for a 9yr old. everything is piecing together now, thanks for the translation
Jan 19, 2018
I was confused why people were bringing up those awful translations with crap filled in on the margins every page, since I haven't seen one of those in months.

Apparently I blocked that group like half a year ago and forgot about it, so their stuff hasn't been showing up for me at all. Good decision, I would recommend it.
Active member
Nov 26, 2019
Thank you for this translation. I really love Soo won and other grey characters and it is a joy to read this version where you guys actually respect the characters. Thank you!!

And I really love the fact that people don't label Soo won as a psychopath here. He's just a very intelligent kid trying to grieve by honoring his dad's ideals/memory... People grieve differently. Imho he's way more traumatized by his dad's death even today (even if he didn't cry or throw a tantrum).
Apr 1, 2020
Thank you for translating this! I always prefer to wait for your release since it's always worth the wait! 😊
May 25, 2018
Thank you for an awesome translation. I am buying these in real time but they are several months behind it is so nice to stay updated.
Apr 28, 2020
Seems pretty clear that Il did indeed kill his brother, in revenge for his wife's death. And Soo-won killed Il, in revenge for his father's death... or maybe because he thought Il was lame and he needed to take over.

Yona probably won't avenge her father, because she's a pure-hearted anime heroine, also Soo seemed doomed by innate disease anyway.

What's unclear is if Yu-hon did kill Kashi, or is the victim of terrible bandit timing.
Dec 6, 2019
Thank you sooo much for your wonderful translations 🙏🏻💛💛💛💛 looking forward to the next chapter thank you 🙏🏻💛💛💛
Nov 27, 2018
This whole arc is killing me. It's amazing but it's also so painful. and it's far from over, once we get back to Yona it'll still be so painful. I need a bit of light-hearted dragon banter to cleanse my mind of all the angst.

Also I don't care how justified Su-won was. Being able to separate in his mind his friendship with Yona and his revenge for Il for ten years is scary. It would be one thing if he hadn't maintained that friendship over the years, but he did and he hid his true feelings from Hak who was his best friend too. He was planing to betray his closest friends for ten years, in fact I'm not sure they were even his best friends at this point, and as far as I can tell the weight and guilt of that didn't hit him until they fell off the cliff in the early chapters and their death was reported. It seems he realised then that the two aren't separate issues at all, they're linked by himself.
And the thing is, Yona has long understood some of what Su-Won wanted to do, that her father was not a good king, that Su-Won's methods while sometimes brutal have made Kouka stronger already. It's not forgiveness, but it's an understanding that means that she won't seek revenge, at least not if the price is the well-being of the country. She's already distanced herself from the hatred, it's there, but it's tempered by her love for Kouka. Love which was fostered by her father, she was an ignorant princess, but once she found out the state of the country she wanted to help because she loved Kouka not just because she wanted to redeem her father's bad ruling.
Hak though, he was more angry at the personal betrayal at the realisation that their friendship was in many ways a lie and a façade. His anger at Il's death was never directed at Soo-Won but at himself for not being able to fulfill his oath to protect the king. His anger at Soo-Won has to do with the betrayal of their friendship (of all three of them).

Tbh I'm not even sure what I wanted to say any more. I just... even now that I know Soo-Won's full backstory (and while there was a lot I didn't expect, the basic reasons for becoming king aren't a surprise, and have been floated around for a while) I don't think he deserves to be forgiven. I think he should die feeling miserable. I hope Yoon will fail to find a cure for him in time (which I'm sure he'll try to do because there're too many sweethearts in this story). Funnily enough I actually agree that religious institutions shouldn't be part of a country's governing body (though when there are actual physical human dragons that can protect the country... I'm not sure where to draw the line there), and he's a good ruler, but as a human being I just hate him... maybe even more than I did before I knew his backstory... does that make me cruel?
I don't know, this manga messes me up emotionally 😭

ps: Kye sook too, that guy gives me the creeps and I hate him, and I still think he's up to something shady.
Mar 23, 2020
I think also Yona probably won't want to avenge her father because she's seen how shedding blood only leads to more bloodshed. she fights if necessary but I think her peaceful upbringing is still impacting her with her preference for nonviolence
Sep 5, 2020
@Kardelune I think you're jumping the gun. I doubt he actually sees his friendship with Yona/Hak and revenge for Il as separate - he is just choosing to not put that friendship over the country if he plans to do the deed, otherwise he won't be able to do it. He even says that he knows he couldn't hold hope of having his friends with him if he pursued revenge, and cried on Hak's shoulder realizing that. He knows they are linked and that killing Il is a sin, and that he will lose his friends. But even so, he wants what's best for the country, and came to terms to not play favorites, so stopped himself thinking about wanting Yona/Hak seriously in his life.

And he hadn't made that decision for 10 years on end. At this point, he hasn't even decided what to do yet. Right now, Soo-Won's narrative has just begun as the child forced to grow up as the inheritor of his father's obligations, investigator of Il's betrayal, and the caretaker of his mother he already stopped seeing as someone who is supposed to take care of him instead. He hates Il, but his face when he considers killing him doesn't look happy or triumphant. To Yon-Hi, Soo-Won is not even divulging all his emotions. He might even harbor some resentment towards his mother, because he is having to play parent and babysit her to the point of betraying his friends so their family doesn't fall apart, and she still responds negatively to his plans. We don't know what he is thinking or how much turmoil he is carrying.

Also, remember that Il made Yu-Hon's death look like an unfortunate accident. He obviously intended to hide the truth from Soo-Won and Yon-Hi. We don't know what Il planned to do with them, personally and politically. If Soo-Won hadn't done an autopsy, he would have never known the truth behind Yu-Hon's death. So if Soo-Won stopped visiting the castle permanently all of a sudden, stopped talking to Il, talking to Yona, and acted like nothing happened, Il would get suspicious, and who knows what he would do. We have yet to see their confrontations. I have no idea why Il allowed Soo-Won to visit the castle and spend time with Yona and Hak, or what sort of system they set up behind the scenes. Did Il ever ask Soo-Won how his mother was doing?

Dunno if you noticed, but Soo-Won spends an awfully a lot less time with Yona after Yu-Hon's death and appears to distance himself. He rarely visited the castle (like a few days every couple of years? He rarely even stayed a full week according to Chapter 1), and even then was spending way more time with Hak, talking to generals, and attending martial arts tournaments. When Yona was stuck emotionally and Hak pointed it out, Soo-Won tended to avoid. We're not sure what will happen when he confronts Il about what he meant about Yona being Hiryuu. He might have started looking at her in a negative way and wondering if she was who Il said. It also depends on when he discovered the truth behind his mother's illness and when he got sick himself. Maybe Soo-Won was also visiting to see signs of Yona being Hiryuu and testing Il. Surely Il and Soo-Won discussed Hiryuu Mausoleum and why he wasn't allowed to go there too.
Nov 27, 2018
I don't disagree with you. I understand the reasoning behind Su-Won's rebellion. I'd even say it was justified. My opinion about Il has done a 180. And I do remember that Soo-won put some distance between himself and Yona as they grew older (though I got the impression that he was still competing with Hak regularly, since I seem to recall Yona once snuck to the training grounds to watch them, and the hawk was raised by both of them so his relationship with Hak was still pretty strong in my opinion).

But... I'm still trying to figure out my feelings about this, so I might not be very clear. I actually felt more empathy for him before I knew the whole story... which is unusual for me with such a tragic back story. When it started I expected to feel heartbroken (which I am) and to hope they would somehow miraculously find a way to reconcile and be happy (in a naive if you try hard enough anything is possible sort of way, but plenty of stories end that way so why not!) but on the contrary I ended this chapter feeling angrier at him than I have been since the very beginning of this series... and I'm really just trying to figure out why.

After reading some comments, I wonder if perhaps it's because whatever reasoning he had, he ended up perpetuating the history of blood that both his father and Il started (no matter how justified they were). And by remaining friends he ended up ensuring that he perpetuated the hatred as well. Now if I remember the first few chapters correctly, it's unclear whether he planned to kill Yona, at least until she witnessed her father's murder, he might have had a plan to lie and hide the truth (in fact I think even then it was kye-sook who said they should kill her). But he must have known that there was a good chance he would be found out anyway. And maybe none of that matters because he was doing it for the country (though didn't he tell Yona it was purely out of revenge back in the beginning?). But it's been shown again and again that he is smart enough and has gained resources enough over the years to change things in other ways. He had more control over the innerworkings of the capital at age ...whatever it was when Yona was kidnapped as a kid, than Il did, he had the support of many people, and he was able to gain the support of all the tribe leaders even when they knew he was most likely Il's murderer with, let's be honest, not all that much effort. I have a hard time believing that he couldn't have found ways to change and protect the country without taking Il's life... The biggest difficulty he faced was Il's religious fanaticism that would have made him disinclined to do certain things, but I maintain that he could have found ways to convince the leaders to put pressure on Il to do the things that were necessary. Kouka's biggest weakness was that the tribes either saw each other as rivals or ignored the others, Soo-Won united the tribes, but I really don't think he needed to be king to do so... admittedly I'm sure it helped to have the legitimacy.
I feel like I'm thinking in circles, and getting a little too invested in this XD. I'm just angry darnit!
It just proves what a great manga this is that it brings up such strong feelings.
I'm still really in need of some fun dragon banter. A bit of black dragon joking wouldn't hurt as well.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 25, 2018
I like how Soo-Won, even after knowing the king killed his brother, was ready to not get revenge on him if he became a good king. Thats how i always saw him, someone who can do questionable things for the greater good of his kingdom, and thats exactly i never hated him for killing that useless king.

@Dieath Thanks for your translation. Not only is better than Evil Twin's translation, but also isnt full of biased translator notes.

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