Akatsuki no Yona

Apr 7, 2020
Was it really that necessary to write four comments in the main comments just to say that you don't like it?
All it takes is "I'm dropping" and rating it as 1.

Don't get me wrong you can dislike this manga, just don't bury other's comments under all of yours.
Power Uploader
Jan 25, 2018
It has just occurred to me that the fact that the Four Dragons can literally leave their human vessels to protect Yona when she is in grave danger means it might be possible for Jae-ha, Kija, Zeno and Shin-ah to be released from them and lead normal, long lives when this is all over.
Dec 16, 2019
I think the red dragon decendant were being punished for causing the murder of the temple. Suwon was supposed to be the vessel of the red dragon this is why he look exactly a like with the original dragon. But because of what yuhon did, the gods choose to bestow the red dragon reincarnation to the last decendant of the temple who choose to dedicate herself with the gods rather than blame them and king il who knows how to bow his head instead of being arrogant

King il and his wife deserves to be choosen!!! They believe in the gods even tho they are mocked. Ignorant woman like suwon mom does not deserve the red dragon
Group Leader
Aug 9, 2019
@Kendama I think they’ll live long lives anyway. The original blue, white and green dragons lived long lives, it was only the descendants that didn’t. So, since our generation of dragons bonded to their master just as the originals did, won’t they live normal lives too?
Feb 22, 2020
its been so many chapters, was this the first time we heard who yonas mother was??
i feel so bad for yonhi, she never wanted this. the price of the love of a tyrant i guess.
Aggregator gang
Aug 13, 2019
Legitimately one of the best ongoing shoujo manga ever. It's been nearly 6 years for me and it's still incredibly interesting.
I'm so curious as to how it'll all end.
Double-page supporter
Apr 22, 2020
Holy shit, 9? I watched some of the anime a while back and didn't like it that much, is the manga that fucking better?
Aggregator gang
Dec 13, 2018
I think the reason why Yona like Suwon in their younger days is because Suwon has the blood of the original dragon, the same with how Suwon on how he got interested in Yona when she was just recently born. The obvious evidence is Yon-hi reacting when she first encounters Yona *she's basically the same with the 4 dragons

Mod Note: Please use spoiler tags when talking about chapter-specific or future events.
Jun 22, 2019
I read this so many years ago and my heart hurts to re-read it because I know I will cry. I'll come back when I have the strength to continue reading this manga...
Jan 24, 2020
this story is beautifully crafted. the romance is *very* slowburn but with excellent chemistry, and the dynamics among all characters are lively and engaging, sometimes tense/sorrowful, sometimes heartwarming and funny. i've laughed out loud a number of times while reading, and can't quite take my mind off yona and her companions. deepest thanks to the translation crew for sharing this!!
Dex-chan lover
Jul 20, 2020
Description: ... Son Hak escapes with Yona, and they lead a life on the run from that point on.

Me after reading chapter 179:
So that was a f*cking lie
Jan 23, 2018
I'm guessing Yu-Hon arranged for the assassination of the queen and tried to kill Yona.

This provides a lot more context as to how the country fell apart with King Il as king. It's hard to rule when your older brother was expected to be the king and when most of the generals don't respect you or listen to you and instead either shut themselves off in their own lands or actively plot against you. Was King Il a bad king? Probably. But he was in no real position to succeed. And more than that, the generals of most of the subject tribes were incompetent and treasonous.
Jan 23, 2018
Interesting theory. I'm more inclined to think she liked him because he was a cool older brother figure who spent time with her and who treated her well.
Jan 23, 2018
That's also an interesting theory, though I'm more inclined to think that Suwon looks the way he does because he's a descendant of the first dragon emperor. I'd think Yona being the reincarnation is completely separate from what Yu Hon did. Or in other words, she was always going to be the reincarnation, and the v reincarnation was never going to come from the first emperor's descendants. The real question is why they've been cursed to short lives...
Active member
Mar 8, 2020
Nothing to do with the latest chapters and I might’ve said this before but, Hak is too good for yona, yona is a bitch ass girl that doesn’t even deserve her name capitalised. When she came back to the palace, even though they did say that Hak was not able to come in, she just accepted it, yes, just let him be alone (I’m aware he had someone with him, the medicine boy) don’t mind him. Conclusion, yona is a bitchy ass slut that says she loves someone but when she meets her past love (That fucking killed her fucking father) falls in love with him and forgets her current lover (That fucking suffered hell for her). She doesn’t even think about him, she’s thought and cared more for that whatever murderer king, than her “lover” while in the palace.

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