You can fit as much as you want into a letterAs cute as this is. How much can you fit in a letter?
This "side track" belongs to that too. This is just the latest part in which Komichi wanted to tell Erika who she is. This letter is the idea Komichi came up with, and I guess we will get Erika's response soon enough. Basically, the story has centered once again in Komichi and Erika's relationship.Why is the story getting side tracked like this? Not sure if I remember correctly but weren't the girls doing something at school and something happened between them and it's all awkward?
THIS. SO MUCH THIS.The next chapter is even peaker
(esp. the final frame.)
"Anyone speak Japanese? I think the word Date was mistranslated"
The part in question (real spoilers. You've been warned..."Anyone speak Japanese? I think the word Date was mistranslated"
デート. It literally says "date" but in katakana. It's hard to read it any other way.