funnily enough, I have been learning japanese for a few months now. I am nowhere near the skill level required to translate anything sensibly, but once I am, I would like to pick on a fully solo project, and I am thinking of redoing S&W manga scans. I'm not a huge fan of YP localizations, and it would be a fun side project to work on.What a ride! Thanks to @stupid_chris and their amazing team, this TL+CLRD for this fan-TL was incredible! If only all the other series could get such a good treatment coughspice&Wolf/Mushoku Tensei/MahoYomecough
Happy New Years, and Merry Kurisumas!
ふぃと!がんばって!funnily enough, I have been learning japanese for a few months now. I am nowhere near the skill level required to translate anything sensibly, but once I am, I would like to pick on a fully solo project, and I am thinking of redoing S&W manga scans. I'm not a huge fan of YP localizations, and it would be a fun side project to work on.