Am I Your Daughter?

Feb 12, 2019
Nooooo she’s being stupid, why hand yourself in?? Stop thinking about the soldier and priest, like they’re not even going to get hurt!!
Jan 4, 2019
I'm sticking this on hold. More or less every single character is an asshole which makes it tedious to read. That said, all the comments about "y u soooo slow???" are equally tedious to read. The comic goes out of its way to justify the main characters behaviour. You obviously dont have to enjoy it but its pretty well established. She lived in complete isolation from everyone other than her abuser for the majority of her first life, she burned to death, she was recaptured by her abuser, managed to escape, got kidnapped, saw people she cared for killed, oh yeah and she's in childs body with a childs hormone balance, people arent fucking meat robots and consciousness is not a foolproof operating system. She's beyond traumatised, its impressive she's functioning at all. It's also been a very short period of time since her "rebirth", based on the comic she regained her memories in the carriage so its been literally a few weeks. If only she was the ice cold chad our prodigious commenters are.
Feb 19, 2019
Idk why but it doesn't resonate with me.
Ofc i understand the fl but the pacing, the other characters.. something feels off to me and that's i can't really enjoy it enough
Apr 21, 2020
To be honest the one who is at fault the most is the duke for his constant denials. If he would've accepted the result and not denied her existence to her face she would've never left...sigh
Jul 28, 2020
Drop it if you started, don't start if you haven't.

This has to be one of the most retarded cliche manhwa's I must've read, 30 chapters of absolute nothingness other than being a waste of time.

I honestly can't fathom how this manhwa got 8.21 stars. The only good thing that could be said is that the overall drawing/art of the manhwa is well done. The story, pacing and the characters on the other hand, are horrible.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 4, 2018
nice art, but the story is your standard cliché drive plot

does this have a novel, or it is an "original"?
May 3, 2020
This series is like every person involved has the collective IQ of about 40 and doesn't know how to use the power they possess properly and they don't even know how their own country operates or something. It's pure chaos.

What a bunch of mouth breather characters. Literally. The main character has her mouth open 80% of the time lol

Still gonna read it though because the art is pretty and I'm a sucker for reincarnation and time travel themes
Jul 10, 2019
Pretty art. I like the FL fine. But I agree that the story and villains are too one-note / chaotic. Gonna put this on hold and I’ll check back if the FL ever becomes an adult.
Apr 25, 2020
I really don't know why everyone hating this so much. Well I do it's because it seems like no one understands the complexity of child abuse and how a childs brain works! Even if u live a second life u won't be the same as an adult u, a childs body is completely different, its why they can go from crying to laughing in seconds cos of their brains and hormones. Her actions are realistic in response to being held captive for 11 years BUT everyone wants her to magically gain smarts and self confidence she never had the change to get!
And your hating chapter 30 when she done what she done to save people cos there would be deathly consequences if not handled right, everyone has less power than the emperor because it is his nation not the holy nation!
Another thing YES the Duke has power but when you accept a title from another nation, u lose power to them which means u have to answer to them to some degree, yes he's a emperor of the holy nation but he is also a Duke who answers to the emperor of the country he is residing in so he can not control what the emperor does or the other nobels as he is openly an enemy due to his status and power being a threat.
Yes there some stupid plot bits but this whole thing is too look at her cuteness and hope for the best for her not see her become some genius as a child after not even having experienced a life outside of abuse and captivity!

(Damn this is long, needed to rant, read this if u want nice art and a cute child who deserves love, plot is cliche but cliche doesn't always mean bad, it's nice and straightforward)
May 2, 2020
When reading, be open minded. First of all, 17 is still a child. Second, anyone who's been abused tend to stop or regress in their mental age. She's been trapped in the same room since she can remember. Plus she's in the body of a child.

I like it so far. You have to expect some clichés. The art is good, everyone in the estate are turning doting, and I'm looking forward to seeing character progression as she gets more confident in herself.


Oct 21, 2019
This story is just MC throwing a pity party and being absolutely illogical. It's unreal that she decides to run away to change her life in the first chapter itself, but this survival instinct absolutely vanishes in face of Duke Callisto. She's supposed to be afraid of people, as shown with her interactions with the pope and Holy dudes but she's fine with throwing herself at guards that are shouting without experiencing any panic attacks at all? Did her survival instinct just vanish? She's completely fine traveling to an unknown location with unknown people. It's so inconsistent it doesn't make sense. I don't mind the MC pretending to be a doll with an open face, but the authors depictions of her reactions are really getting on my nerves. Her anxiety is so selective, it's insane.

It also bothers me so much that she keeps calling herself a fake and nobody has corrected her so far, whatever shitty twisted logic they justify it with. Just tell her that she's of Kallisto blood clearly and reassure her.
Jan 11, 2020
Thirty chapter in and her expression still is :0😮😯😲. I can't read further, the plot is superslow and she's such a 1D character, no development even if she is mentally 17.....
Oct 27, 2019
high key, why is she so >~< 0 character development in 30 chapters. AAAAAAAAAAA the start was super cute though :((
Dec 27, 2020
Tf mc can't talk or what ... I know that u r still phobia cause the abusive ... But u got sec chance ... Fak i hate this .... Btw tq for translations ... If i got some money I'll make sure to donate
Sep 16, 2020
So the kalisto is nothing much. why emphasize that it was something powerful in the beginning if its such a useless name.
Nov 14, 2019
What’s with the pacing and the introduction of info??? The author just throws a couple names at us and expects us to understand their significance right off the bat. Who are these fucking characters in the flashbacks you show us?? Why do you only explain them many chapters after they’re introduced?? Bad writing but good art

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