@BanditHadron Thank you again for giving permission beforehand. I appreciate it. You'll enjoy the next arc then. Far as I know, they continue on but the little one is included in parts of it. So that should be fun! Thank you for explaining how things happened in this chapter.
@Nestrac Never underestimate Edo's hands. It's probably the safe bet in this comedy manga. Yeah, they didn't cancel everything but they might have delayed things. We shall see.
@student4444 Thank you for commenting. The next chapter will be of a regular size so it should be a good one to read.
@Kaiser92 Lol, so true. All loli no touchie.
@Ren-chan I like to think of it as 30 million of trust and sweat. Trusting the person in charge to carry your future on and the sweat to earn the money to buy the stocks.
@Draugadrottinn The sign is original so it must be Mangaka's little touch. I was waiting to see if someone caught that. The only signs I modified were the ones above the crowd's head. So both signs are original. Wile is their number one customer so it's highly possible.
@Tbird90677 Your welcome. Loyalty is earned so the chairman earned every single one of their admiration. So it's a lot of work most people either don't know how to do or won't do. Often times, the CEO or chairman has absolutely NO clue who is working for him and never meets them. I plan to have the show in color and anything that "requires" it.
@Amariithynar Thank you for the permission in advance. I appreciate it. Yes, I agree that ethics is an old one but some companies are finding it easier for employees to pull extra shifts if they treat them well. Some are going back to treating the employees fairly but some employees are taking advantage of this. This is why most are going to the "cog in the machine" mentality.
@askance Thank you, Glad you enjoyed the color mix.
@Jak Dice gods have chosen you, can I use your comment?
@DjAlexDubCheck This chapter is in English. I double-checked and other readers confirmed it. If you mean as to what happened, BanditHadron and AnimeJ explained it in their comments.
@BirohVlad I have not seen that movie, which one is that one? It looks like Smith from the Matrix Trilogy throwing a dwarf. You are welcome.
@AnimeJ thank you for explaining this and your concerns. I agree the mangaka might not have done enough research but that's to be expected since this was made around the time Yahoo! was barely being born. I'm sure Yahoo! didn't have that much search back then. So they didn't have that good of research going on unless they hired a researcher. They showed that Edo made several times more than their other products so I'm sure the CEO was hoping to get Edo as part of the deal. I'm sure Edo would be loyal to the chairman and stay with the chairman. So yes, the CEO would lose him but was banking the other designers stay on board. He doesn't know that everyone would walk out. We will see how the CEO handles stock split up. We got a LOT of chapters to go so it is possible we aren't done with him yet.
@Pinealoupe It's all part of the humor.