@Assam Dice gods chose you, may I use your comment?
@Seraphus Why use bubble gum when duct tape works just as well? I am not surprised that the floor is slippery as hell.
@kinosseur The gags are changed but mostly surrounded by a perverse sense of humor and the reactions of their faces. I agree that they don’t make them like this anymore. This is why I am not surprised that this manga is already on its second “season”. You are welcome and I’m glad I’ve improved. I’m working on how well I do things with each release.
@zxdwas I preferred if he just tap-dances his way onto the stage.
@Ren-chan I would find it hard for the 3 models to fall on their asses but I expect that the girls are very dexterous when it comes to high heels. A LOT of practice to get away with it.
@Pinealoupe Yeah, I was thinking of an ape call when I saw that but I didn’t want to allude to it.
@sinfika You are welcome. It’s scary how many things vibrate.
@BanditHadron You are welcome and thank you for the comment. If only there was a way for someone to distract everyone. Maybe have Edo do a magic trick and pull a vibrator out from under his sleeve.
@Tbird90677 The question I have is, will that give him a lot more fans or death threats?
@KrispyFry15 Oh no is an understatement. With a secret coming out on live TV, you might as well have armed guards or pray for a world-ending threat to appear.