Amano Megumi wa Suki Darake! - Ch. 234 - Their Relationship

Active member
Apr 7, 2020
@jazz9 I agree with completely with regards towards her superb educational and career dreams and the immense hard work she has put into them. Also, her being in love doesn't make her a villain.

However what is a terrible aspect of her, or just the author doing a bad job at giving it more depth, is her absolutely horrendous attitude towards a boy who has been fully and completely supportive of her for nearly his entire life. She not only doesn't respect him, but she is either to afraid to tell him to leave her alone or simply doesn't even care enough about him to tell him. It would be fine if she was a genuinely good friend who reciprocated his kindness but was simply not romantically in love with him. But with how she is depicted in this story, she is simply a really lousy person towards him and even in the flashbacks she never once showed him kindness. She even callously talked behind his back. Yes he should get a hint, and he does understand she doesn't love him, but he doesn't know that she also doesn't even see him as a friend.

Either she was written this way on purpose and she is a terrible "friend", or its just absent writing on the mangakas part. Regardless, the boy should just end their relationship completely and move on with his life while still striving for Tokyo University.
Dex-chan lover
Apr 15, 2019
dudes really gotta reevaluate whether or not he actually wants her friendship or just a relationship and move on
Dex-chan lover
Aug 28, 2020
Other guy donā€™t need to worry cause no way Mc is choosing anyone but amano! I like how he havenā€™t started anything crazy like hurt either of the 2 girls or the Mc but he gotta start chasing after her or give up! Also amano and Mc pls just one of you confess we need that next step of development to progress
Dex-chan lover
Dec 7, 2018
@Sabin I'm calling it now, while rummaging through the time capsule he finds something that is clearly Amano's and has her little "M" with the loop like the eraser and he finally connects the dots, breaks down, and eats Amano thicc ass for the rest of his days.
Active member
Feb 10, 2018
someone gonna get isekai by sharp knife stabbing in the back in the next few chapter
Dex-chan lover
Jan 18, 2018
Meanwhile, standing there was Makishima, with the eyes of a dead fish.

Dex-chan lover
Dec 13, 2018
I think I'm gonna just start skimming over the parts with smartgyaru and deadeye from now on.
Dec 28, 2019
There is no need for the Yandere eyes, she judt said friends. FRIENDS, so don't go on a NTR route with Amano
Dex-chan lover
May 16, 2018
A remodelling meeting for my old primary school isn't something I'd be the least interested in going to at 26, let alone when I was in high school.
Apr 21, 2019
This is what happens when you take too damn long to show your feelings for your crush.
Dex-chan lover
Feb 7, 2019
@jazz9 dude. @zero777 @Siquall. Just re-read. She is hypocrite, who dont like being judged, at the same time she want to be noticed. She judged Shindou by his appearance when they met first time and at the same time she hate those who judje her by appearance and liked when Shindou defended her appearance (she even fished for compliments). So. There is nothing wrong to being in lŠ¾ve. BUT. She is typical case of attention whore and hypocrite (and it was obvious since her first appearance, you just can re-read and see for yourself if you didnt notice). Then you can remember how she judged Amano (and imagined her look based on the fact that she is doing kendo) not even knowing her, and how obsessive and jelaous she became when she met her (judged her by looks, by boobs and acting like "I know Maa-kun for few weeks but I know what he need and you are bad influence for him, be gone") - but before she knew that Amano is gorgeous girl and thought that she is just some gorilla - she was ok. If it's not a hypocrisy, than what is? Just remember Amano in the same situation - she is jealous too, she understand that gyaru obviously interested in Shindou, BUT - instead all that crap and judging - when she wanted to go to their study session - she didnt rushed there, like this gyaru did to the Shinou's store "to check", she understood that that is not her place, that she will be just a nuisance there, and she just stayed at home. Just compare two girls in love and how they act in similar situations - and you should understand, what's wrong with gyaru.
Her whole character is just selfish hypocritical attention needy girl. And THATS why I dislike her. If she was just simple honest pure warm girl - no problem. But - she is what she is - judgmental, obsessive, selfish, hypocritical etc. Yeah, she is smart and good looking and hard studying and has goals, but this doesnt make her character likable (especially when you compare her with kind honest supportive Amano, who dedicated last three years to be near Shindou and help him in all ways she can, so he wouldn't fail his exams, like he failed high school entrance - she doesnt want to be in his way, when gyaru girl is the opposite - she chase her own agenda and just stalk Shindou every day since they met basically, she doesnt even think that she is distraction, bcs she thinks of herself TOO MUCH).
Idk why so many of you didnt see it and like her (apparently you are good with any crap as far as it move story plot forward šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø)
Also - she is horrible friend, as @teppogaijin pointed to you below

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