I am convinced, He doesn't deserve her. He doesn't lift enough weights for that fat ass, how is Amano gonna feel when he tries to pick her up? He gon break
people like to dump on this manga for having no progress but the school trip was pretty significant and that was barely 15 chapters ago. And now it looks like things might come to a head with his oneitis. Give my thicc queen some time
people like to dump on this manga for having no progress but the school trip was pretty significant and that was barely 15 chapters ago. And now it looks like things might come to a head with his oneitis. Give my thicc queen some time
To begin with, it has the slice of life tag for a reason, y'know? A lot of them even know this is exactly how this series is going to be, but are complaining the entire way through anyway. More than one way to enjoy things, if theirs is feeling blueballed by lack of story progression in something that was implicitly designed to take forever then mazel tov I guess.
So the punchline of the high school meta arc is going to be that Mikawa is going to attend Harvard and so Manabu and Megumi will end up going to Tokyo together and the manga will just continue without them going out until they are like 4th years in university?
@PenguinSans They have people pushing them inside so they can fit more. Literally like a pack of sardines, all packed against each other. Look "Tokyo rush hour" videos, seems awful.