Cheating feels good in the moment, until you come out of the dream and realize how twisted things have become.
The only question left is how long this will last until the truth comes out.
My bet:
that girl pining for Makoto. I bet she'll find out, then will tell one of their spouses or leak a photo of them online out of spite. She wouldn't be a recurring character if she wasn't going to be important in the future. Maybe. Authors have done that before lol.
Regardless of all the cheating biz, I really love the duality of all the main characters in this series. Not every so often you come across a series where everyone is neither a good nor bad character
based on page 15 I don't think their relationship is gonna end up lasting too long though lol
The only one to feel bad for is Makoto’s wife. Maybe Makoto a little because at least Yoshino got to get fucked on last time by the boyf, bet Makoto hasn’t nutted in 5 years
I’m actually in love with this series and I’m rooting so hard for this but damnnnn I always feels so conflicted and icky when I read this.
I absolutely hate cheating in manga (and in real life obvi) and I feel like such a hypocrite reading this. I don’t wanna be that bitch like “he cheated first, it’s okay if she does too” cuz it’s not. But man I can’t help but wanna justify it.
Both couples seem like they would be happier apart but PLEASE just communicate.....
The reality finally got her; now she needs to sit down with Niina and have a serious conversation about what is this relationship because rn they're nothing but side piece to each other.... this manga is messy because is very close to how it can happens irl and this grey area is very difficult to deal with as a reader - I want them happy, but I don't want to cheer on something wrong as cheating.
Well if they divorced the story would end shortly and we would't have all this DRAMA. @catbot158
She does have a cover volume later on so yeah she's going to be relevant.