Anata no Danna Uwaki Shitemasu yo - Vol. 2 Ch. 13 - VS. Sphinx

Group Leader
Jul 24, 2018
Ridddle me this!
There are three men in a boat with four cigarettes but no matches. How do they manage to smoke?
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
Uuh...this could use some proofreading. Some typos spotted but the readability could be improved...

@cloudstriker they huffed the boat exhaust
Dec 17, 2018
@cloudstriker that riddle's answer makes no sense with the way you wrote it. As the answer is that the made the boat a cigarette lighter.
"How do they manage to smoke?" would apply that the method results in a fire or spark appearing which has nothing to do with the riddle. Plus it has no extra rules meaning there can be multiple answers like: the cigarettes were already lit or they used a magnifying lens and etc.
The riddle should allude to the word "lighter" instead of a way to make something smoke.

And IMHO any riddle that makes you say "Wait what about ____ part?" and the only replies being "It has nothing do to with the actual answer" or "it was to throw you off" are low hanging fruit of riddles and shouldn't actually seen as real riddles 😒.
It's basically the equivalent of "jigglypuff seen from above" ( ).
Dec 17, 2018
@criver Awful riddles are stupid, I guess you didn't realise that.

I never said riddles are lame, I said riddles which misinform the guesser from the actual answer are shit.
For example the one with the legs is decent as the different times a meant to represent age while the legs are to represent that the answer is related to a human.
A riddle is supposed to make you go "OH! I see" not go "wait a second" as with the one I talked about before had no indication what its answer could be, even less with its second sentence.
If anything the second part would need to be something like "A guy suggested using the boat and threw a cigarette into the water. Why?"
Now the original first sentence gives background to the situation and the NEW second sentence narrows the possibility of multiple valid answers while giving a reason for the actual answer.
(If you think that it now sounds more like a joke then a riddle you are right! Cause in reality it's a joke that was turned into a riddle.)

I'm sorry you never enjoyed riddles tho.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018

I never said riddles are lame
Yes, I did. There exists no riddle, which cannot be interpreted in more than a single way. But since the one asking has something in mind, they will not accept other answers that match their query. It's stupidity disguised as wisdom.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 19, 2018
Dec 17, 2018
@criver Why did you reply to “I never said riddles are lame” specifically?? (And with “Yes, I did” ???)
Anyway actual riddles/good riddles aren’t like that. Anyway my points are riddles can and are good but most (and the ones you’ve encountered most likely) act like modern art and think rewording a joke or mystery problem is a riddle.
And my last thing, WISDOM?! Riddles are a guessing game not fables! So of course you wont get it right in the first try, it’s a kin to “I spy with little eye”
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
@cloudstriker well...i think my answer's better. btw only typo i can find again is in pg 9: pretty sure it's "harem" not "harlem"? never heard of a "harlem full course". unless they have a restaurant doing full course meals in Harlem, New York that became a meme or something

yeah, you should totally get a proofie
Dex-chan lover
Mar 13, 2018

Why did you reply to “I never said riddles are lame” specifically??
Because it was implying that I had stated that you said riddles are lame, which I didn't - I said that.

Anyway actual riddles/good riddles aren’t like that.
Do you have some examples of good riddles along with their expect answer?
Group Leader
Jul 24, 2018
@youdontknowwho , @Wolvenworks
thanks for the feedback, just fixed the errors you pointed out and re-uploaded.

It was only supposed to be a bad joke haha, but I like that answer more, that's clever.

Yeah, I’m still looking for a translator and a proof-reader. So for the mean time it looks your all just stuck with my amateur work 😂
Dex-chan lover
Jun 2, 2018
@cloudstriker amazing what learning from the wikipedia page of "Complete Contract" does to you. it's basically a concept that no contract is perfect because there will always be loopholes. i just used it on your question just now by exploiting the very obvious loophole :)
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2018
The riddle that strikes me the hardest is the one in the first page - how do they play chess when both sides have white pieces?
Dex-chan lover
Mar 5, 2019
@cloudstriker that riddle's answer makes no sense with the way you wrote it. As the answer is that the made the boat a cigarette lighter.
"How do they manage to smoke?" would apply that the method results in a fire or spark appearing which has nothing to do with the riddle. Plus it has no extra rules meaning there can be multiple answers like: the cigarettes were already lit or they used a magnifying lens and etc.
The riddle should allude to the word "lighter" instead of a way to make something smoke.

And IMHO any riddle that makes you say "Wait what about ____ part?" and the only replies being "It has nothing do to with the actual answer" or "it was to throw you off" are low hanging fruit of riddles and shouldn't actually seen as real riddles 😒.
It's basically the equivalent of "jigglypuff seen from above" (
I'm four years late but the answer is a pun, a play on words. Making the boat a cigarette lighter is in reference to the fact that it is now carrying less cigarettes, and that a normal cigarette lighter is a dedicated tool for setting one aflame to smoke. By your logic, the riddle about having four legs in the morning, two in mid-day, and three in the evening wouldn't work because a man growing old and needing to use a cane isn't him literally growing a third leg (in which case it would turn into a pun about sex or something). The Jigglypuff seen from above gag is meant to be an insane troll, which is multiple steps removed from anything here.

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