Angel or Villainess - Ch. 25

Dex-chan lover
Jan 11, 2020
She did bewitch jayna and i think her father as well in the first timeline, the difference this time is jayna now has the protection of the dragon, which nullifies all of it, and because the maid is gone angela never get's the idea to bewitch the father, as for cassiel, she used a love potion on him in the previous timeline, from said maid, angela herself is kind of stupid, the maid was the backbone of her actions and thus why jayna needed to get her as far away from angela as possible, jayna however does not know just how deep that maid's ability was yet.
Apr 24, 2018
Starting to have the feeling that the rabbit is probably another powerful magical beast. I mean, we have DRAGON in this story, so it is not a surprise if there is another magical beast roaming around the human world. Not to mention that the story focusing on the rabbit's action way too much.
Aggregator gang
Jan 22, 2018
I hope boss rabbit end becomes a real possibility going forward.
Group Leader
Aug 25, 2020
How can Angela be so cheeky? But it's okay, most people are starting to realize what she's really like. Your little plan's not going to work (again), Trashta2! 😎
Thanks for the update! 😊

@Tatsuya-Kai: Oh, so that's happened in the past! Thanks for the explanation! 😉
Nov 10, 2019
well rip, it seems my thought about rabbit and the boy was right. kinda sly deleting people comment silently..
Group Leader
Jul 19, 2019
The rabbit act so much like human that I'm thinking that it might be person transform into it.
Feb 10, 2021
@Hayako22 well incredibly self centered people can act like that, theyre good people in their minds and you do something as little as disagreeing with them, bam, you're the devil, how can you do something so horrible? after all im good so its obvious ill get only good things and what i say is right, you're obviously in the wrong so ill sit here and cry until everyone else helps you to understand how wrong you are, currently how i see angela is rashta + being evil.

She is worse than thrasta that... at least she has a child and seem to care a bit about it in her own twisted way...and she doesnt seem that malicious just incredibly self centered, angela is self centered PLUS incredibly malicious its even more disgusting to see.
Aug 5, 2020
Someone mentioned their comment being deleted, and their suspicions about the rabbit being confirmed, so I’m editing my comment into spoilers because I’m pretty sure I’m right about the following thoughts, but I don’t know how many people have connected these dots yet.

Anyway. . . suspicions about the Boss Rabbit’s identity and “Why Cassiel is Actually an Unfortunate and Precious Best Boi Who Must Be Protected”:
Ooooooooooooh the saint's creature. White with red eyes.

Also, I feel so bad for Cassiel. Bro seems to genuinly be a devoted bro in love. . . 😢

Jayna's former love and unwvering trust in Angela despite all the suspicious things that happened. . . The tea Rona served to Jayna when Angela initially moved in, and Angela's weird expression seeing Jayna drink it. . . the extreme difference between Cassiel's current and past behavior. . . the forshadowing about brainwashing and love potions. . .

Betting we'll learn that Cassiel and Jayna were BOTH brainwashed by Angela in the previous timeline. . . But Jayna's feelings towards Cassiel have already been warped by how he behaved before, and now this Dane fellow seems to be getting setup as a male lead. Meanwhile in the present timeline Cassiel is totally devoted to Jayna and not being brainwashed. 😭

I’m actually really hoping this Dane fellow (the unseen prince?) isn’t being raised into the male lead role. Pleeeease take this in another direction and repair Jayna’s trust in Cassie!! (Maybe Dane could be the the saint in disguise???)
Nov 10, 2019
yeah. sad this manga following typical plot line. i hope it will be unique revenge k-manga but... waiting for that plot will take so long to happen if you read my deleted comment before. best wishes guys
Apr 28, 2020
It’s no one’s fault, but the parts where the rabbit and the blonde guy shows up are the most boring parts for me. Obviously they’re a special surprise that will help Jayna later, but right now they’re just taking up plot space haha
Dex-chan lover
Jan 28, 2019
I would punch the hell of that shitty rabbit for eating that sandwich smh that sandwich is for jayna goddammit

**SPOILER**just a speculation but it might be a spoiler nonetheless if proven
The white fur, red eyes myth beast in the earlier chapters might be a foreshadow for boss rabbit lmao idk
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 19, 2019
Thank god I'm not the only one who doesn't find the rabbit cute at all lmfao

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