Ani no Yome to Kurashite Imasu. - Vol. 8 Ch. 71 - Diary 71

Active member
Aug 19, 2018
TL;DR of comment section this chapter:

> Please don't kill our ship T-T
> Fuck yurifags yurifagging everything, because they can't stop themselves from being yurifags. Yurifag.
> Dude what the fuck? I mean I do like it and hope it happens but----
> Shut up Yurifag.

It's sad seeing that people neglect talking about how fucking heart wrenching this chapter was because "the ship" may have sailed or sunk just now. You know what? Shut the fuck up, derailing fags. Talk about the chapter ffs...

But there are some outliers, which are heavily appreciated.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 13, 2018
@Tromend meanwhile I'm just fucking laughing that the artist still can''t draw feet by looking at that cover page LMFAO
Dex-chan lover
Aug 11, 2018
@Tromend exactly. This chapter is a BIG moment for one of the two protagonists, and that’s all there is to say.

I’m a big fan of yuri, but I don’t get why it should matter here. I mean, it’s not your generic romcom manga...
And yes, this sometime gave some vibes, but I don’t think they were “a big proof” or bait or something like that: it’s all about two girls trying to console and support each other while facing an important loss in their lives.
If this is going to end in yuri, I’m okay with it; if it doesn’t, same. It’s not this manga’s focus and not this manga’s selling point.

EDIT : and I don’t get why this chapter should have killed the “yuri ship”, anyway 🤔
Double-page supporter
Mar 7, 2019
author-san literally googled how to straighten a cooked pasta and came up with this chapter
Jul 8, 2019
To be honest this manga have been one of my favorite manga I have read in my 7 years of reading manga. And it is incredible how toxic the comments are. It’s not because the series are bad, it’s just because people are being angry at ships ruining the emotional moment.

If people enjoys ship, let them do so and not insult them about their opionon. Now you may think I’m being hypocritical but these are facts and the way people are handling these facts are very, how do I put it,... degrading. You can dislike this comments and all but please don’t be toxic on such a bitter sweet moment of the series.

Thank you for reading this long comment considering I have shitty grammar and English and you stay for THIS long, and also thanks you translators for translating this series.

Thank you 🙏
Dex-chan lover
Jan 22, 2018
Seriously what on earth is wrong with some of the commenters here? It makes me embarrassed to be a yuri fan the way some commenters are blathering on!!

First of all no ship had died or been created. If Shino is going to have a het romance it will be with her childhood friend she hangs out with all the time not this guy.

Secondly Shino had made a huge step in the grieving process. While knowing it in her head it’s finally progressed to a “truth” for her. I think that Nozomi is way behind her in that.

Overall an amazing chapter fulled with lots or raw emotions.

Also ... page 13 seems to be a flashback with her brother on the beach and he says “lets get girlfriends” to Shino. Is that a translation issue or is her brother assuming she is gay?
Dex-chan lover
Oct 2, 2018
>tells sister to get a girlfriend
>now his wife is with her
Mar 11, 2019
Why are the comments here so toxic, can people just enjoy the chapter for what it is? Shino is growing, she's understanding her own feelings and looking towards the future. So why can't we talk about how big of a moment this is? Think about it, Minato, Nozomi, Shoutarou, all of them, they're gonna change.
Group Leader
Mar 8, 2018
Oof, that double spread hit...
Also, wasn't this the first time we've seen Taishi's face? Might be just me misremembering tho
Aggregator gang
Jun 22, 2018
@Shindeku don't take the comments on how people should behave from socially inept weebs too seriously is my takeaway from my years on the internet
Dex-chan lover
Mar 20, 2018
So, now... they finally can moving on with their life ? yuri when ?
Dex-chan lover
Nov 20, 2018
This story has never had distinctive indication that Shino or Nozomi felt romantic or sexual desire for the other. I don't know who earlier tagged this story with “Shoujo Ai” or with “Yuri”, but it wasn't the mangaka. No one was baited by the story.

There's nothing wrong with girl love stories, but there's something very wrong with the presumption that any story about two girls or women who are close must be or become a story about romantic or sexual attraction. And it would be a sad turn to have a story that has explored a relationship of one sort abandon that exploration to become a story of a romantic or sexual attraction.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 16, 2018
>The moment manga has been building up and working towards for 3/4 of it's run so far finally happened and it's actually executed well
>Instead of feeling for Shino for finally reaching this step most people are just butthurt because "their yuri was ruined" because Shino dared to interact with a guy
This is the first time I've ever agreed with the people who always shit on yurifags for being extremely obnoxious cunts. The reactions here are just plain embarrassing.
Get a grip you people.
Mar 15, 2018
An excellent chapter, and I'm so glad to see Shino finally coming to terms with the reality of her life.

Ambiguously yuri - well that's down to people interpreting the scenario for what it looks like at face value. What we're seeing is those that are left behind, desperately trying to makes sense of their world that has suddenly been turned inside out and trying to find new meaning in it. And for Nozomi, that has meant that she has turned Shino into a replacement for her brother, even if she hasn't accepted that that's what she's doing. They have both been fumbling their way through until finally, Tachibana made a decision to come forward to Shino.

This is the better way for the 2 girls to deal with the situation. When Nozomi *finally* comes to terms with her husbands death, she is going to snap back so hard she will be a broken woman. And it's going to be utterly heartbreaking.

@Scruffy Also ... page 13 seems to be a flashback with her brother on the beach and he says “lets get girlfriends” to Shino. Is that a translation issue or is her brother assuming she is gay?
I think this is them being together at the beach, and he's saying it out loud for them both - we'll do these things! and do this! and it'll be awesome! Not in a I think you're gay, but in a our whole lives are ahead of us speech, way. She also comments with 'um Im okay...' when he mentions the wives thing.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 27, 2019
There had to be some moment where after inching closer and closer to the line a character would step over it, and as far as these things go this was done ok. But I gotta say, I don't really like when characters grow through external people lecturing (advising, counseling, etc.) them about something. Sure, it sometimes make sense, but in moments like this one I'd much rather have Shino coming to the realization on her own. Take a moment to reflect on the past months and so on draw her own conclusions. That just feels more genuine to me when it comes to such personal things as grief.

@Oeconomist Please go back and check the covers and author's extras and so on. These tags didn't just exist because there wasn't anything. It's ridiculous to suggest that the manga didn't know exactly what it was teasing. Should you nonetheless give it the benefit of the doubt? Sure. But don't be disingenuous about it - it's not merely because it features a buch of female characters that are close to each other.
Dex-chan lover
Jan 31, 2019
Can we let people talk about how they enjoy the manga and how they perceive the chapter ? Just because you didn't see the problem some had doesn't mean they shouldn't. No, peoples who have talk about the ship are "butthurt" it sink or not because they know it's not the primary focus here. I will be honest, i've talk about ship and yuri because i can't really understand what happen in the chapter. I've lost so few members of my family and each time i never been sad or anything. I didn't be like Shino, mad at people because they don't feel sad enough or never wanted to admit the person is really dead. So yeah, i talk about pointless things here but that's probably the only thing i know about here.

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