My stomach was recovering from my overindulgence in sugar, after an entire day i was feeling a little better... then i read this chapter.
I don't think my stomach will get better for another three days.
This MC might be a bit on the short side, but he's packing a stout pair of balls. Sacchi-chan will soon have to worry about drenched panties as well as her appetite if he keeps throwing the swag around this much.
@DrWhoCares Well, i am happy to know that my suffering gives you the motivation to work harder. Just for you, i will eat some spoonfuls of sugar to give you some more time. XP
I loved that very touching speech. That was really great.
I also continue to love how eerie and androgynous in a way Sacchi seems to me in human form. It helps keep it obvious that she is not after all a human girl.