Nacchan might be gay, Ibu-chan is definitely gay, Umi realised she’s super gay, but it’s you the reader, who is the gayest of all
well someone is overly possessiveUmi's bleeding heart better stop bleeding cause she's always taking care of someone else when her girlfriend is waiting anxiously. That was annoying and rude the first time and we can forgive one mistake. But it's happening more and more (even if there are most times coincidences, that trope is getting old real fast)
I love when a bitch that are cruel, rude etc. to others because they are scared of getting outted actually ends up getting outted. Its just what they deservecute af chapter
Rude girl maybe gay and scared of being outted?doesn't excuse her cruelty but noone deserves to live like that
To be fair Umi didn't forget at the festival, her classmates just clam blocked her hard cause they're inconsiderate asses.Tbh, im happy Shou seems to be steadily getting out of her shell when comes to relate with others but somehow the fact Umi once again, tho rightfully busy, still completely forgot about her kind of bothers me a bit mostly when they did made plans. Like, she didnt just gave Shou space to interact with others or was just busy at the time, she literally forgot about her girlfriend the same way she did during their school festival. Bad girlfriend lol
But im guessing Ibu doesnt really understands that shes crushing hard on Umi yet. She will tho.