Hey guys, I'm back from the dead
(I unmuted myself on discord) to prove who the
real killer is. My in-lore explanation is that God saw how good I was at the leaf task and decided to give me a second chance.
To recap, I was doing my tasks, and, while in medbay, a certain someone killed me face-to-face. But unfortunately, it was face-to-face when I had my eyes closed (I was resting my eyes ok), so I didn't actually see who it was. Then, Haikubro called an emergency meeting. The discussion went like this:
Haikubro: yo shikuretto you be lookin kinda suss rn tbh
Shikuretto: u lookin kinda suss for pointing the finger tho my dude
When a "he said, she said" scenario like this pops up, the most logical solution is to vote off both people involved, beginning with the person who was initially accused (in order to lean on the safer side). Of course, the possibility of Shikuretto being an imposter still exists, as Haikubro may have been trying to throw Shik under the bus in an attempt at garnering trust. But, a strategy like that would be extremely risky to do early-game, as it would cast off Haikubro's only true ally, leaving him with the task of making haikus for two people instead of one.
As for my educated guess on who the second imposter is
(assuming Haikubro and Shik aren't both imposters), I'd say it's most likely Teddy. Why, you ask? Well, it's 'cause he do be lookin pretty suss rn, ngl.