Narrator: He couldn't grasp it.
Jokes aside, I wonder if Ashito's attitude will change to how Kuri is right now if he could 'grasp it'. Constantly holding back. Couldn't demand 'more' from his teammates. Couldn't enjoy the moment like how he savor food on every bite.
Kuri couldn't enjoy the moment since he always move up and evolve, that's why he said he'd like to enjoy this match since this is the last time he's having a match against a highschool team. Your average player would experience these matches normally in a much longer timeframe, but not for a player far high above that constantly evolve. And we do know Ashito's a monster in terms of growing his football skill.
Kuri was restless during his debut as a pro (or was it NT?), trying to appeal his presence through showy moves. He's too hungry. And this unrestrained greed is something that Fukuda's afraid of turning to: injury. It's one thing to be injured after reaching the top, but getting injured during the process of evolving would destroy any young bud.
So it's not about whether he 'grasp it' or not, it's about what can be done to dampen any risk for both results. Physical risk (injury), and more importantly, mental risk (attitude and life outlook) are present for both result in Ashito's case since he always push too hard when left behind.