April Fools Chapter 17 (Survive as the Hero's Wife)

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Jan 22, 2019
@Redice what a joke! cause the "dear" readers have the right to feel offended by a prank but the people being trash talked over it don't. Hypocrisy at it's finest.

And again I meant the trash talk that already started before this chapter was uploaded by kepki.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 9, 2019

Kepki has no intention of taking your project, as stated, so I don’t think you have to worry. They have been by far the most civil and apologetic of all of us and is willing to communicate and make amends.

Please also keep in mind that although Viopera has understandably done a lot and has a lot of stake in this project, she indeed sparked hostilities in this comment section and most of the comments have been in direct response to her behaviour. I do not believe her efforts are an excuse for her actions, but I do understand that you feel the need to defend her as a friend and associate. Her feelings are important to you I’m sure, but she was the first one here to purposely try to hurt others with her words.
Apr 3, 2019
After seeing the good drama in here and people talk about the discord, I was curious to see how much worse things would be on there so I did some digging to find an invite. Won't share here since they'll probably just delete the invite if they haven't already - but LLS came in with the intention of screwing everyone on mangadex over the moment one person posted this chapter - even before anyone commented.
Aggregator gang
Feb 20, 2018

I hope you can take a moment to look back at Kepki's comments here and understand that he was absolutely not trying to steal your work. He has publically apologized and offered to take the chapter down. He has openly admitted both here and in the chapter itself that his version is far inferior to yours, and that he is not in any way trying to take your place. If you could, please get in touch with him and discuss how this should be handled, because the last thing he wanted was to cause trouble.
Apr 30, 2018
IF i'm not mistaken, not one of LSS projects is currently licensed in english.
But i'm pretty sure, once they are, the group will support the author legaly and will raise awareness, just as a good exemple of a good scanlation group, by your words.
And even in Mafia and illegal things that are organized, there's ''etiquette''.

P.s.: I don't know what you do, but me and, i can assure you, a lot of other readers by their official copies.. I pirate, sure, but if it's is printed in my country, i buy when i can, if it's out globally and in english, i buy when i can. it's not that hard to support when you can.
Fed-Kun's army
Mar 9, 2019

Thank you for posting that link.

I will now peacefully go to sleep knowing that the person I insulted was indeed as immature and embarrassing as she presented herself to be.
Group Leader
Jan 30, 2018
@itsmae I think most people can understand the frustration of having a chapter "stolen", even if it was done in rejection of your prank, but what really was in poor taste was that "you guys didn't enjoy our prank and did something in retaliation so we will lock our chapters to our gud friends who accept everything we do and you can cry and whine all you want because you won't be invited to our little clubhouse anymore" bullshit that @Viopera spouted. Just as you felt @kepki 's chapter was a breach of etiquette between pirates, that immature attitude was a dealbreaker to many. A good deal of drama could have been easily avoided if the first reaction upon seeing the "stolen" chapter wasn't to immediately lock down the content and taunt readers with it. If you found @kepki 's response to be in poor taste, @Viopera 's wasn't any better.
Jan 21, 2018
I've never seen someone so proud of acting childish and petty.
Oh well. I did like this series but it's one of literally dozens I'm reading, I'll deal without it.

Again though, thanks for the work up until now.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 1, 2018
@trancingtrances Noice.
Their true colors were obvious once the attempts at pity and agressive passiveness failed and tried to end it with "my scans lol i win". This was more or less the behaviour behind the scenes i was expecting.

Well it was fun, hope someone picks this up as it is a nice story.
May 19, 2018
The real April Fools joke was trolling the original scanlators with this release.

If it's a one-off release that doesn't contain any spoilers and is close-enough, who cares? Guess you guys don't like getting trolled back.
Group Leader
Oct 16, 2018
@Axkmint @Madcat6204 @andrescutieri Once again, I understand that he wasn't out to steal our project but it is still upsetting to see a weeks worth of effort and work that was put into chapter 17 go completely to waste. That is just how I see it and why I was upset at first. I can't speak for Vio's response because her responses are her responses but I do understand that hostility was coming from both sides. On the topic of delays, I'd say (in the most unbiased manner) that delays are fairly common in the scans world. Especially delays that are completely reasonable. Once again, that's just how I think of it.

@Kylan_Pepper Okay, have a nice day :D
Jun 6, 2018
Quite honestly, if you've been around the manga/scanning scene long enough, which many people on MD have, then it's a pretty unspoken rule of not really releasing your own release if there's another group scanning it. Even if we're all pirates here, honour amongst thieves and all that. I mean, sure privately, go ahead and share it; post a comment about having a lower quality, faster release. That's no big deal (and that's also what a lot of scanners for webtoons in particular have done). But I feel like where this debacle went wrong is that Kepki probably didn't alert LLS beforehand of the release, and then didn't release it privately but publicly instead. It's not like Kepki had bad intentions, and yeah, they've been super polite and willing to accommodate. But what's done is done, and toes were stepped on. Lessons learned. And, for the most part, LLS has complete right to do whatever they want with their own release, too. Just as it may be petty to withhold chapters, they're allowed to. The shitty entitled attitude that people have when rebuking Vio and LLS members isn't looking so gracious, either. They don't owe you releases, and they can choose to go private, too.

And well, all the power to you if you choose not to continue reading an interesting series because of drama, but who's actually losing here? Neither LLS nor Kepki are the authors. You not reading the work doesn't affect them at all. So congrats, you played yourself.


Dex-chan lover
Apr 30, 2018

I don't have a problem with the scanlating. I trust most people try to support series they enjoy financially. I don't even have a problem with them being angry with the fans who were overly upset at the prank chapters.

I have a problem with the earlier comments attacking Kepki for "sniping". I don't believe it's very mature to act as if you're in the right in that situation. I know scanlating takes work, but writing the actual comic takes far, far more time and investment. Being that offended like it's damaging your livelihood is an insult to the author and it was especially unwarranted because Kepki made clear repeatedly they were not doing this to steal the series from under them.
Jan 21, 2018
@itsmae while LLS owes readers nothing (and vice versa), do you think "punishing readers for being upset and one person for uploading a scan" is a completely reasonable reason for a delay?

I do get you're rightfully frustrated and agree it was a (well-intentioned) mistake he uploaded it. Personally I ignored it because I was going to wait for LLS's quality scanlation, I'm probably not the only one who felt that way. But while I understand and respect you all have the right to release whenever you want or not at all, I respectfully disagree this would be an example of a completely reasonable delay.
Feb 18, 2019
What a shit show.

Was it too hard to release the chapter as soon as it was April 2nd?
Apr 30, 2018
I got your point Sam, i dind't know you were talking about the comments on ''sniping''.
May 1, 2018
I just want stuff to be all fixed this ruined it. To the person who put the link of the photos I don't know how long you've been in the LLS discord but I know for sure not as long as me. So I please beg you to take it down If you don't know Viopera well I will think you don't have the right to say those things about her. LLS knows that the uploader will not claim that series
because we got the raws and we would have discussed if they took on chap 18 as well

but we stayed quiet
but we couldn't stay quiet of how you treated the april fools thing
you insulted lunalotus for a Joke a lot of other scans did the april fools chap
yet you took it onto Lunalotus
we did it twice because our discord was having fun out of it
and we will 100% will upload the chapter properly
but some of you took it wrong
I know people will start saying bad stuff towards me as with itsmae but I'm just here to say my opinion

(I know most of you must be it's because you are LLS staff but honestly I just want this to be sorted out. I don't mind dming the uploader to fix our current status with them. I am not going to lie at first I was really mad of the uploader and the april fools things but I gave it few hours for me to sort it out. For now atleast for now I am neutral)
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