April Fool's Collection 2024 - Vol. 7 Ch. 61.41 - Isekai Walking - A Lucid Dream?

Dex-chan lover
Feb 11, 2023
I know better then to open MD because of AFD, but boredom got the better of me. With every failed joke piece I can only cringe more and more as i view translation groups wasted time and effort to produce such sad content. Even worse is the fact that it will be shifted elsewhere and have little chance of ever being read beyond this one brief period of time.
Yeah I am mostly the same, I avoid anything posted during April first, other that LHTranslations stuff (I have noted they just don't care about April 1st and post normal stuff), I thought this one was safe do to the time it was posted. But apparently not.
Dex-chan lover
Dec 20, 2023
O . o
Quite the opposite really. I've always associated my pseudonym with the search for the end of misery, not the infliction of such. Of course you are allowed to enjoy such half-assed jokes, but I for one never found the appeal.

All the effort to put forth this prank is wasted on such short term enjoyment. The real tragedy is that in a few days no one but its creators will remember that it exists. It will be removed to it's own header with similar uploads and then languish in obscurity.
You've never found the appeal nor enjoyed but, however, other people have. We, the people who made it, aren't exactly a die hard scanlation group with work flowing like your bad vibes so it was a nice change of pace... even if it's to "languish in obscurity" it was still fun. This short term enjoyment you speak isn't that just manga reading in general? It takes so much more time to create a real chapter of something but it's probably forgotten about equally as quickly by the reader. Everyone's entitled to their opinion however, thanks for sharing yours!
Dex-chan lover
Jan 20, 2023
This could actually be a pretty good ending for the series, at least the best girls were there much, much sooner than in OG story...
Double-page supporter
May 6, 2020

We need more Lorem Ipsum in everything when dealing with magic.

And I mean Everything...

Double-page supporter
Sep 23, 2018
I was hoping rule would be done already since it was April 2nd noon GMT, having avoided MangaDex since reading the first troll chapters (48 hours ago) as soon as it was April first somewhere in the world.
These releases will be collected and moved to a separate title page after April 1st has ended.
Dex-chan lover
Nov 28, 2020
Ahh yes, the poor man argument that my point is invalid due to spelling errors or incorrect sentence structure. Truely a strong position to debate from.
I didn't say that. I didn't comment on the point you're trying to make at all, just your delivery. I'll simplify for you: you're using what you think is eloquent language to try and come across as intelligent and cultured, but that cringe-inducing effort fell appart because your tenuous grasp on spelling undermined it. Now we all know you're just a bozo with a high schooler's level of spelling. That impotent and desperate attempt to come across as superior is what gives off the fedora-wearing neckbeard vibes.

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