Aru Hi Totsuzen, Gal no Iinazuke ga Dekita

Dex-chan lover
May 13, 2023
Have this here because I don't want to drop harem from the list XD

While I do agree about the test, there's also the issue of many self-sabotaging their own production of test, through their habits and lifestyle choices. (diet, sleep, etc.)

I would add, desire's don't require impulse first. Other than that, I get it. Although I disagree on subconscious, it's a bit of both.

Dreams, I'd say it's also a bit of both like desires XD.

My understanding is more desires are a feeling, dreams are an idea or the feeling put into a concept, given form.

I'd also say that people are slaves to their impulses AGAINST their desires, because they don't genuinely want where it goes, but the happy feel feels (false ones) they get, they choose to go with instead of fulfillment.
Sure they'll align here and there, but for the most part they use impulses to distract themselves from their desires. (hence it's self destructive, since a genuine desire most would have, is to live a decent life... which impulses prevent).

For the nicotine example... I don't know if you would desire nicotine, want it sure, but desire, dunno. Could just be habit, or longing for that familiar feeling, or even addiction.

On that btw, to my knowledge, it's better to replace and addiction, than to try and stop it with nothing. (obviously, should be something better for you XD ).
Like, a simple but stupid example, every time you feel like a cig, do some pushups. and I mean EVERY DAMN TIME! eventually you'll replace that habit with pushups... so instead people will just look at you strangely when you suddenly start doing pushups on the sidewalk :p

On love... I'd say most confuse infatuation with love... doesn't help that the media sells it as such. You don't "fall out of love" because that isn't love to begin with.
Love is in part a conscious choice of "I want to be with this person.", sure infatuation helps you get there, but if you never make that choice, you never actually moved into love.
Sounds like you started to though.
As for men though, a womans respect will always be more important than her love... which makes things easy because women tend to love those they respect. (And they stop loving those they don't respect, not saying this applies to your example though).

And this is a result of most going with the flow when it comes to their own emotions, rather than taking control and thinking about it... for like 2 seconds even.
People have stopped asking "Would I want to spend the rest of my life with this person" at the start of relationships now... and only ask months in, assuming they ever do ask... some don't.

When the whole point of dating is supposed to be based on that question.

I wouldn't say either of us "Arrogantly Assumed" what the other meant, we just interpreted the information how we normally would, and when something doesn't add up, we clarify. Normally you have tone and such in a conversation, so it's harder to misunderstand things. Still very possible tho.

On the point of why they're mature... I'd actually disagree with "geniuses and mentally abused".
And would even argued abused are more likely to be immature, just not in the typical way.

Maturity would more so come, from how you are raised, most importantly how your parents treated you as well. Like if you're always treated as a child... are you going to mature?

Which is why the whole treating 14-17 as children, and then "Okay you're an adult now" when just yesterday they were still treated as a child, doesn't help... and is stupid. puberty isn't "developing children" it's "developing young adults". Or more accurately developing into an adult, so to treat them like that isn't what's happening... is honestly asinine imo.
Now of course it should be done within reason, no 13/14 year old should be going to clubs, not ever.
But they at least shouldn't have to raise their hand to ask a question, or have to ask to go to the bathroom.
You don't go from dependent to independent magically in one night as you turn 16/17/18 (depending on where you live, and culture).

Men used to have a rite of passage, usually around 14, where the dad is like "Son, you're a man now, do this hard masculine thing, and you are officially a man." and it would be something actually difficult, not impossible, just hard.

Back to maturity, another aspect, is how the parents themselves act, because children, watch what you do, more than they listen to what you say, and if the two don't match, they go with watching.

For example, imagine the difference, between treating them like a child 24/7, until 13, then treating them a little bit seriously, vs allowing them to be a child, but also at moments of maturity, you take them seriously, and encourage it, combined with having them help out, even getting them to do some work (like helping with the yard-work, or chores).
The difference is night and day.

A big mistake many parents make, is not having the children clean up after themselves, and their own mess. Why should you clean their room? get them to do it, or at least help out. And, no reward, the reward is they have a clean room now.
If you do want to reward them, reward them for their overall behavior, not a specific act. (unless it is something that genuinely stands out and should be rewarded). btw I don't mean don't tell them "good job" or "You're doing well, I'm proud", I mean reward as in money, or a treat etc.

Basically, parents need to stop raising children, and go back to raising adults. (i.e. raise children to be adults, not to be overgrown children).

Bruv... 10-15kg is very visible O-o, like that's a solid 10-15% bodyfat increase if you 100kg.
I too have used the buddha joke XD
Although mine was "I'm rubbing the belly of buddha for good luck" while rubbing my own belly XD
I have to push out my belly now to do that one though, not enough fat anymore.
It's quite funny, I go from looking like I might not actually have much of a belly (especially with a shirt on), to homer simpson.
122kg is my all time high, reached 119 from 105kg at the start of the year, funny part is, I reached 119 while training hard XD
belly is half the size it was when I was 122kg though.
Got the strongman build atm. going for the calisthenic build.

Which on that, It's best to have a specific goal for what you are training for, not a "I want to look like x" sure that's nice to have, but you more want a "Be like x" kinda goal, where it's a constant thing you do.
Mine for the last few months was, "I want to gain muscle", but now I'm re-evalutating and going "I want to be mobile and have muscle" not just purely gain size.
But you want a specific goal you can work towards, and not be haphazard.

Anyway, back to the manga :S

Sounds like it has potential to be something good right?

I love how this section is called "the manga" but has been about fitness instead.
Active member
Jul 15, 2023
Who doesn't love tradition sometimes.

I will not add on desires and impulses since it's more subjective and depends on your world view and believe in it. Generally i agree, especially terminology but how something is born....It's hard to know.

As for my nicotine friend, damn what i didn't try, how many things i didn't do (push ups, carrots, fake cigarettes, books and etc.). I just came to realization after brooding for the first time deeply, why am doing this? Sure it was stupid to start, but it created so much interesting and pleasant moments in my life, especially when i transitioned towards e-ciggs. It was(is) my personal vice i hold dearly, sadly i will have to quit due to strong sanctions all over Europe and returning to tobacco isn't an option i will take. In short it wasn't a deep desire to quit smoking, i wanted to quit due to weak desire to save money after calculating, but then i calculate other useless stuff that brings me even less joy and this argument goes to the dumpster. Sometimes governmental sanctions work, but i hold resentment for that and would start all over again if i move to a country where it is more open.

The point about love is spot on. I like how many "romantics" and women especially mistake "sparks" and "butterflies in the stomach" for true, mature and conscious love. Glad you understand it and value it.
Infatuation is something out of our control, i dislike it but rarely go against it (counter productive in my opinion). Call me boring but a life of waking up with the same person everyday to the point of complete stillness is more blissful than with every new broad that i am infatuated with. I may desire her less sexually than that girl across the street but the idea that she is mine and I am hers is far more satisfying(pluss she knows my spots better as do I). The very idea that conscious and controlled mind is keeping me bound to her is many times over more satisfying than random infatuation that can come and go as the winds go.

As for my personal experience, there wasn't any disrespect (i hope not a 🟢(green hat event)). But when i realised that she fell out of infatuation and became "normal" and decided to give up, made it easier for me to say goodbye also, since who hell wants keep something that will most likely bring misfortune, maybe now she understands this concept but at that time her understanding was that infatuation is long lasting i guess? (Genuine hope, since living with Desire/Dream of never-ending infatuation will only bring ruin both socially and physically).

As for stopping and thinking, that's the finest ability some people can have. Tried to guide towards this thinking my younger family members, sadly they didn't get it. Tried to give them assignments, write about what you want to be, want to do and want to meet, which basically helps them create an image and a dream and learn to think. Because many times like you said we do stuff that we actually don't need to do.
Friends invited to a gathering? You auto-agree without thinking sometimes you even have not only conscious rejection but even gutt feeling but you still do it.
Sometimes you keep the relationship going even despite that you know nothing will come from it, your partner might have crossed some boundaries that should never be crossed and you still try to mend them (the other side would be, you gotten used to jumping from any relationship when it get's serious and without thinking you destroy them).

I just decide to use those words like a small comical relief :). As for misunderstanding, truly depends on the other party, if you are willing to understand and learn chances are reduced almost to 0, since in that kind mindset if you assume someone said something outrageous you would try to clarify.
For example i had a lot of misunderstandings with specific set of people, like they are completely alien. I speak about one thing and they speak about the other thing (i say apple they reply orange, i say but i wasn't even speaking about the orange what do you mean? Oranges! You dumb f, is it hard to understand). I met them IRL (sane and working people btw) and was completely derailed by our conversation and sometimes i meet them on internet.

Nothing to add sir. Completely agreed, some people raise children as pets (you raise pets not to let them go out in the wild world but raise them as someone who will be bound to you till they die). Giving lavish gifts and allowance for doing nothing and when whipping (carrot and whip reference) you don't even use enough strength. Like you have to teach them that doing something bad will have bad results, so some people who come into workforce don't understand why are strangers so unforgiving or why aren't they given cookies for doing their job(Hello...Salary my friend!).
As for genuines and abuse victims, yes agreed, my mistake. To be more specific some geniuses and some victims are far more mature and strongly depends on what kind of abuse and genius. (As you provided an example, being a helicopter parent can also be abuse instrument). EDIT: It's a lottery to be honest, but some kids from rough backgrounds are very much mature but as you pointed i also noticed that sometimes they are quite infantile in the most unexpected places.
Small anecdote from life: From young age i was independent, staying home alone and doing many things independently since parents were at work, sometimes during my puberty they had more time and suddenly a lot of my "freedoms" were restricted (i wasn't particularly from "rebel" group, nerdy maybe more applicable, so it was even more bizarre). Luckily after some time i decided to address this and illogical over control got lighter, but some of my events and dates were ruined, because i was forced to go back home to go out with the dog, reasoning was since i decided to safe the dog and take him in i must care for him. On one side it teaches you responsibility on the other i understand(understood) it wasn't their intention they just wanted to control my environment since objectively, they could do it themselves with some negotiations(demanding i do more chores for example). Good lesson but i think it was over the top since now they want grandchildren(almost gave up), but i'm taking any responsibility cautiously understanding that a dog is 10-18 years but a child is 18+. + Like you said many people are raising children (pets) and only some understand that they need to raise an adult.
This small anecdote from life gave me understanding how freaking hard it will be to raise functioning adult. One misstep and direction goes in completely wrong direction.

Interesting point about wanting and being, will take a note on that since i'm returning to gym again. As for my desire, once it was athletic build but now it's more like i want to be able to do X and X and feel X and X. For example i could do a head kick once, now i can't. Now, i'm once again getting pregnant so i need to reduce my pregnancy month (was always on mesomorphic side with a belly even despite having some good athletic scores). In essence my motivation was i want to feel fresh, healthy, be able to do X and ideally look like that. Maybe "being" something has a stronger motivational source.
Ohh and manga....Maybe, i will read it at least until 10-20 chapters if MC will still continue to suck out energy and demand the girl to do all the pulling, to save my nerves i will abandon it.

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