A cargo capacity of 10kg? What the hell? In that case if the pilot is 20kg overweight the plane will crash ... or what? *checks this up* Alright, apparently during WWII, they sometimes carried 25-pound radio equipment and that was already enough to reduce their operating time ... so I guess it's legit. ^^;
Also ... total foreshadowing of her screwing something up.
Thank you for the chapter!
So, is their war approaching? I guess, naturally, it won't work.
Gramps always said with no hope-of-survival. Come to think of it, he really did fight a lot for Asa.
@Pyoro or a total brilliancy that looks almost stupid, and yet solves two problems at a time. Naturally it derails from their plans, as well as not being stealthy enough, and the military must somehow cover it up.