Ase to Sekken - Vol. 6 Ch. 48 - Please Tell Me

Fed-Kun's army
Apr 19, 2019
Personally, I don't see what's really wrong with what Kotaro did. Yes, he could've handled the situation better, but then he is well aware of his irrational behavior and doesn't really excuse himself. Even his outburst seems more an outpouring of his own insecurities than some scathing criticism of her behavior. And he only revealed his feelings bcuz of her request.

I think people here are so keen on idealized relationships that any little transgression on the part of the leads (esp. the male lead) gets blown out of proportion. I am more of the opinion those involved in healthy relationships need not be paragons of their kind (esp. in their handling of "couple" issues) but they should communicate their feelings to their SO while making sincere attempts to understand their partner in turn. Which this couple is clearly doing( in addition to working out their issues in the way they are seemingly most comfortable with- sex in this case).
Dex-chan lover
Aug 15, 2020
I agree with others being critical of Kotaro's behavior, that was indeed disgraceful to read. Backing down like wuss when that Hendrick offers his card while implying they might see each other again? Yikes. Then pouting like a kid all evening, and finally chewing out Asako ? Ultra yikes, blame yourself for your own cowardice in the face of taunts.
Active member
Mar 16, 2019
@Mielly I think it would be much worse if he lost his cool & outright punched the guy in front of Asako. He would completely turn to a jerk and scare her & would be the start of them growing apart.
Asako asked why he was down so he told her the truth. He ain't a perfect chad, he makes mistakes too. Very realistic. It could have ended much worse like irl couples. It's better u talk it out w/o sugar coat than lying and keeping it a secret. Yah, hidden concerns break up relationships like my fam did.
Dex-chan lover
May 19, 2020
Volume 7 right after Volume 6 is released... suuuuuuuuure, until that one starts getting delayed lol

*edit: Holy fuck, florist dude crossed a line with his last comment in English
Jun 10, 2019
oh noooo, MC didn't go all gorilla mode and instead respected FMC as her own being and then spoke to her afterwards about the issue, while recognising the part his own jealousy played. how dare he act like a proper and respectful partner instead of a power-tripping self insert.

sure, he could have broached the topic, but it was her birthday and easier for him to try and ignore it.
Dex-chan lover
May 27, 2019
They fight then resolve it with make up they're good again.
Lucky basstard.
Feb 2, 2020
It’s so easy to act rationally sitting in front of a computer or sitting with a smarphone in your hand typing how irrational the characters are. Sometimes I think that the people who post in the comments are not real .. they are rational robots and act like perfect beings in REAL life... LOL 😅 Kotaro's jealous scene is perfectly normal, perhaps not acceptable but normal ... I myself was jealous and acted like that. We only think about what we did later ... relationships are not perfect 100% of the time, believe me, because we are talking about human relationships. The most perfect of princes can feel jealous.
Jan 10, 2021
That guy was an asshole . Even after being told off he still handed her his card and acted like she was also into him . Fucking pathetic
Another thing that's bothering me is that she still hasn't thrown out that card.......
Aug 15, 2020
im not gonna read it again to break down my reasoning for obvious reasons but thats just how i interpreted it though im aware that that interpretation is heavily warped by my trauma which is why i said it might just be my trauma speaking lol

i understand your point of view; i dont like that he was mad about that though even if he has a right to be mad about it. it might be because i dont see the problem with taking the card really. like he doesnt have her info so the only way they would come in contact with each other again was if she actually did use the card or if they met by chance again, which would happen either way. i think taking the card was the best course of action bc then he would back off quicker whereas if she had refused it who knows what could have happened? of course kotaro is there so it wouldnt be too bad but in the moment i dont think she would think like that and hes already shown that he will do what he wants regardless. basically im projecting hardcore onto asako bc i relate to her a lot so it just rubs me the wrong way for him to be mad at something that seems to be the most logical way to get away from an overbearing person. this is probably hard for me to understand because i dont get jealous really at all and 'havent' actually had a healthy relationship before so... anyway idk if this makes sense

tl;dr: im projecting a lot and i think this chapter triggered my PTSD so i feel real strongly about it and that really only because i read this manga specifically to not think about stuff like this and feel good so
Dex-chan lover
Jul 12, 2019
Wow I can feel his feeling when he thought the birthday perfume was a mistake. While it's definitely not (the other guy was just an asshole), that moment was like when you see if your choice leads to doom.
Jan 23, 2021
(The amount of degenerate commenters is always appalling)
But aside from that, I don't really like the way this chapter was resolved :/
I felt like there were so many better ways that Kotaro could have handled his jealousy. I also agree with some other commenters that the outburst was a true reflection of his own insecurities. Already knowing his girlfriend's earnestness and overall naive tendencies and STILL deciding to lash out like that? Man...
Sep 8, 2020
yall are talking about how asako had the slight intention of contacting the asshole and rebutting it when kotaro lushed out after holding his feelings for a day without taking to consideration how asako became manipulative after realizing how she hurt him
Dex-chan lover
Feb 16, 2023
At least it ends on a high note.

@joeybola It is a different culture. Accepting a business card does not have the same significance as in western culture.
Well, actually I can understand in a shop, work, restaurant, etc... but receiving a business card in the streets from a guy that was clearly hitting on you is kinda weird.
So if my girl accepted it I would still be little annoyed, I wouldn't be THAT mad but still, you know? A little tingle in the heart.
Also, keeping it after that is a bit weird just throw that shit away. ^^

Oh! And make up sex is up to everyone's preference so there's really nothing weird about it.
It's not like they were having the biggest argument of history, he just expressed his jealousy and then they fucked.
I wouldn't call that make up sex. They made love. People tend to forget that sexual intercourse is suppose to be an act of love and not only an act of pleasure.
May 10, 2023
He was perfectly justified in feeling angry, remember he was cheated on in the past. Dude was smug about the whole exchange, and keeping the card is pretty disrespectful.

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