This whole arc suddenly reminds me of a school yard scuffle over a kickball in elementary school, because I was absolutely certain that the other kid wouldn't give me the ball back.
Eye for an eye and everything's fine?
Sure, why not.
Husbando stabs other husbando, then waifu stabs the husbando who hurt her husbando.
Sure, sure.
Not like demons restore their health under Solomon's Contract.
I'm holding back my seething disappointment, can't you tell?
@MonsieurQuack Okay there is misguided and then there is attempting to murder someone and trying to take a ring which will rule all over the demons and force obedience upon all demons and making the demons his slaves and doing shitty things to them WHEN his entire point is to ensure his love interest doesn't get stolen from him WHEN ALREADY KNOWS RITSU IS FREEING DEMONS BEFOREHAND. I could certainly understand not outright murdering the fucker since this is a romcom and Ritsu is a doormat but saying this what this guy did isn't evil because he was misguided is like me saying Hitler wasn't evil he was just misguided under the notion to save the German people. No this guy needs a serious punishment and serious redeeming IMO before you go off forgiving and being friends.
Lmao, shit emotional bait is shit. I'm tired of this doormat niceguy bullshit personality every loser MC has to have. This manga was pretty shit already, this just brought it to a whole new level. How disappointing.
Isn't it interesting how these jackasses almost always get off without any meaningful consequence and never have to, say, go to prison for kidnapping, attempted murder, and so on?
It opened the doors to the criticisms as soon as it went down this route.
If someone walked into your house, tried to kill you and almost succeeded while also trying to take away a girl you liked you'd just... forgive him?
Why do pretty boy villains get a pass for being assholes? Treat others how you want to be treated. If someone punches you, you punch back right?