@FireCamp Uh, your friend dubbing a moving scene won't change the fact that it is a moving scene, it's just the dubbing that's bad. And you don't have to cry to have the opinion that it is a good moving scene, or are you only accepting a moving scene if you cry to it? Then it's like there's only 2 option, either it's perfect or it's shit. Your comparison is correct if I said that every aspects of the scene is perfect, no, I only said the fighting scene specifically regardless who the character was and how the character design was, and I didn't say it's perfect either, only pretty good.
I used realistic comparison because I assumed that you don't favor the character design because it's not realistic. Fine then, if you don't want a realistic comparison then let's use fighting game like tekken or mortal kombat, whatever you want. There's always characters that has ridiculous design that doesn't really suited for fighting, but they have good fighting animations, regardless of how their visual design were. How many movies has fighting scenes with ridiculous physics but still looks cool. It is because I can differentiate what's real and what's not real that I said it was a pretty good fighting scene. Who cares if the design is not realistic, if the fighting technique is not realistic, if the setting is not realistic, if the physic is not realistic, it is a pretty good fighting scene regardless. Don't push your realistic view into fiction creation, because it's a fiction that we can enjoy it, if you're really want realistic things then don't consume fiction creations.
Also, it doesn't matter whether you are a skinny, or fat, or fit man, the important thing is the form of your exercise, if you can't take yourself seriously at the gym then start exercising with the proper form.