Backstabbed in a Backwater Dungeon: My Party Tried to Kill Me, But Thanks to an Infinite Gacha I Got LVL 9999 Friends and Am Out For Revenge

Active member
Dec 19, 2020
I read this schlop op to chapter 53. SInce everybody else adressed the good art but the horrendous plot, main character and supporting characters i won't adress that. That said, it jus gets stale. In all the chapters i've read there's not a single redeeming character or standout character of any of the races. Them not being down with humans is one thing but they are all without fail cartoonishly evil without substance, just for the sake of it. Each one worse than the last, even against eachother, no rhyme or reason. In isolation that can be refreshing or fun but here it's just insanely monoton when you know anyone you meet of a different race has the morality of John Wayne Gacy. Honestly i hate the inverse (where humanity is the center at all evil) just as much the same in other stories, but this gets painful to read. Between all this and zero interesting protagonists even the revenge part just becomes a by the numbers thing, i'd say don't bother with this.
Double-page supporter
Mar 1, 2023
I have a massive hate boner for gacha anything, this extends to every single gacha themed manga iv read to date save one: this one.

Don't get me wrong its still pretty terrible, but I can keep reading just to see what the support cast (mostly the harem-esque ladies especially Meya, who has this whole goth psuedo-echidna vibe to her I really dig) does next and I do enjoy a 'overlord' type set up. As GrizzlyMelon pointed out the non human races all seem absurdly evil, obviously designed to get you hate them so much that you want to see them get what is coming to them but at least one race breaks away from this mold (once you get introduced to non psychopath versions) in the Dwarves who are quite frankly a riot, but I wouldnt expect the other races to have outliers like them sense they have a unique obsession that they hold in importance over everything else.
Jun 10, 2023
I really tried to give this a chance. It had it's moments, but in the end it's just a Story that copies Overlord without the MC being presented as someone who could be the main villain. All the other races are evil to the core, no depth, nothing. There never comes the idea into the readers mind, that the revenge could be mislead, there always is a Deus Ex Machina and for sure: No one comes close to the lvl of the MC and his 'companions'.
It's bland and has no depth.
Double-page supporter
Sep 17, 2023
Up to ch. 65 and I don't mind it but I'll confirm that it's similar to the Overlord premise, just with the middle school bully-hunting cringe. I absolutely am on board with the revenge plot, don't get me wrong. It would just be a lot better a story if they didn't waste so much space on pointless bantering and posturing. It made sense for Ains to do it because he is actually scared to break the setting and reveal his incompetence to his subordinates.

It's sort of inverted here where everyone knows this kid was a weakling and borrows all his power from items and servants obtained using his gift. He's got 3 years of training I suppose but other than that he's just a big brick with batman's utility belt but without the detective skills. Thankfully he's got people for that stuff. People who would literally fight over the chance to lick up the sweat from his .... feet.

Anyone who isn't a human is apparently contractually obligated to be racist against humans to the point it destroys their capacity to think about anything else the moment they see one. It's baffling how there are scenes with people going "oh you can't discriminate against humans" but meanwhile the majority of the world is actively participating in genocide out in the open.

Early on there's some myth shown about the 9 races defending the light against monsters and the darkness but all signs point to the 8 other races being just as bad or worse than the monsters. Genuine early speculation is that the twist is that only humans are the true children of the goddess, which is actually a shame cause I'd like to see some depth from the non-humans. Please don't send hate if I ended up guessing right, it's just the best headcanon I can think of to justify this writing.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 30, 2023
Just as a reminder that everything on mangadex gets rated an 8/10 by default, even if nobody has ever rated it before so ratings will always be a bit rigged. It's current rating on mandadex is a 7.86, but when I checked it on MAL it had a rating of 6.94 which I found more fitting (even though it should've been a bit lower). And if yall want to know it's novel doesn't even have a rating on MAL since it only has less than 360 members (currently

Man I remember reading chapter when when it came out and kinda just forgot about it there because I didn't really like the writing of it, glad I followed my gut feeling since people reviewing this manga says the writing is overall a bit weak.

A review on MAL said it was something like a mix of "Overlord" and "Fukushuu wo Koinegau Saikyou Yuusha wa" which I can understand given the OP waifus, secret society ish, how MC was to get revenge, and that this manga can get bloody... but that review also said that it kinda fails in all those aspects and I agree. Of course I don't have time reading every chapter considering I found this updated in the homepage and checked it out but I did skim through most of it. And man it doesn't really feel like a revenge story. You can immediacy tell it has power fantasy writing just by the vibes from reading this (and I personally dislike power fantasy since they usually have noticeable bad writing) and that the fact it feels more, lets say slice of life (can't think of anything better), than edgy, compared to most revenge stories are written. In fact the whole revenge plot feels like a secondary plot sometimes, which shouldn't be the case since this manga was sort of, oh i don't know, marketed as a revenge story?

I also don't like how it has "tragedy" as one of its tags because other than chapter 1 nothing feels tragic when comparing to something like "Tokyo Ghoul", especially because the ending of chapter one screams the literal opposite of tragic. MC is also overpowered as hell along side every single minion he has so getting his revenge should be pretty easy and yet when he does get some of his revenge it doesn't seem all that satisfying since it's done pretty simple and not very creative like "Fukushuu wo Koinegau Saikyou Yuusha wa". And the thing is if you're going to have a story where MC is basically a god then you have to make things interesting for them to get or do their revenge just like "Fukushuu..." (its a long name). Hell "Overlord" deficiently wouldn't even had been half as popular as it is if Aniz jsut started nuking every human in existence within a week. But what's weird is that this has the tags "tragedy" and "award winning" yet doesn't have "gore" despite showing pretty bloody panels and people getting their torso and arms cut off in like under 20 chapters. Also the "award winning" tag is probably cap since compared to other popular mangas this has a lot of criticism, isn't well known (at least in a good way), hasn't actually won any awards from what I tried finding (doesn't help it's from a foreign country and in a different language so google isn't much help), and the writing compared to actual award winning manga/manhwa/oneshots/(web)comics isn't even close.

We also immediately get a timeskip of 3 years in the 3rd chapter where MC officially becomes OP and exacts his revenge, which I personally think isn't a good writing choice. We don't get to see MC struggle on his journey to become powerful enough to even try starting his revenge or even see if he's had any significate character growth compared to how we first met him, whether it be MC becoming more 'mature', coldhearted, or steeled his resolve of revenge. An example of a protagonist journey to become powerful enough to exact his revenge would be Arifureta (one of my favorite novels), as Hajime actually learns to let go of his revenge despite it being a reason why he was able to push himself to survive in the first place and we got to see the 'how' and 'why' he's so different compared to when we first met him, to him becoming mad for vengeance, and him when he leaves the dungeon as a whole different person.

And yeah that's just about all I can rant for since it's honestly more fun to read poorly written stories to rant about them later than to read it and force myself to try to enjoy it. It's what I started doing with "Disaster-Class Hero" since it had top tier art but one of the worse writing I've ever read. I'm also going to throw this on the back end of my bookmarks just to read it and laugh at it while looking at the art, since the art is good tbh.
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Double-page supporter
Sep 17, 2023
Just as a reminder that everything on mangadex gets rated an 8/10 by default, even if nobody has ever rated it before so ratings will always be a bit rigged. It's current rating on mandadex is a 7.86, but when I checked it on MAL it had a rating of 6.94 which I found more fitting (even though it should've been a bit lower). And if yall want to know it's novel doesn't even have a rating on MAL since it only has less than 360 members (currently

Man I remember reading chapter when when it came out and kinda just forgot about it there because I didn't really like the writing of it, glad I followed my gut feeling since people reviewing this manga says the writing is overall a bit weak.

A review on MAL said it was something like a mix of "Overlord" and "Fukushuu wo Koinegau Saikyou Yuusha wa" which I can understand given the OP waifus, secret society ish, how MC was to get revenge, and that this manga can get bloody... but that review also said that it kinda fails in all those aspects and I agree. Of course I don't have time reading every chapter considering I found this updated in the homepage and checked it out but I did skim through most of it. And man it doesn't really feel like a revenge story. You can immediacy tell it has power fantasy writing just by the vibes from reading this (and I personally dislike power fantasy since they usually have noticeable bad writing) and that the fact it feels more, lets say slice of life (can't think of anything better), than edgy, compared to most revenge stories are written. In fact the whole revenge plot feels like a secondary plot sometimes, which shouldn't be the case since this manga was sort of, oh i don't know, marketed as a revenge story?

I also don't like how it has "tragedy" as one of its tags because other than chapter 1 nothing feels tragic when comparing to something like "Tokyo Ghoul", especially because the ending of chapter one screams the literal opposite of tragic. MC is also overpowered as hell along side every single minion he has so getting his revenge should be pretty easy and yet when he does get some of his revenge it doesn't seem all that satisfying since it's done pretty simple and not very creative like "Fukushuu wo Koinegau Saikyou Yuusha wa". And the thing is if you're going to have a story where MC is basically a god then you have to make things interesting for them to get or do their revenge just like "Fukushuu..." (its a long name). Hell "Overlord" deficiently wouldn't even had been half as popular as it is if Aniz jsut started nuking every human in existence within a week. But what's weird is that this has the tags "tragedy" and "award winning" yet doesn't have "gore" despite showing pretty bloody panels and people getting their torso and arms cut off in like under 20 chapters. Also the "award winning" tag is probably cap since compared to other popular mangas this has a lot of criticism, isn't well known (at least in a good way), hasn't actually won any awards from what I tried finding (doesn't help it's from a foreign country and in a different language so google isn't much help), and the writing compared to actual award winning manga/manhwa/oneshots/(web)comics isn't even close.

We also immediately get a timeskip of 3 years in the 3rd chapter where MC officially becomes OP and exacts his revenge, which I personally think isn't a good writing choice. We don't get to see MC struggle on his journey to become powerful enough to even try starting his revenge or even see if he's had any significate character growth compared to how we first met him, whether it be MC becoming more 'mature', coldhearted, or steeled his resolve of revenge. An example of a protagonist journey to become powerful enough to exact his revenge would be Arifureta (one of my favorite novels), as Hajime actually learns to let go of his revenge despite it being a reason why he was able to push himself to survive in the first place and we got to see the 'how' and 'why' he's so different compared to when we first met him, to him becoming mad for vengeance, and him when he leaves the dungeon as a whole different person.

And yeah that's just about all I can rant for since it's honestly more fun to read poorly written stories to rant about them later than to read it and force myself to try to enjoy it. It's what I started doing with "Disaster-Class Hero" since it had top tier art but one of the worse writing I've ever read. I'm also going to throw this on the back end of my bookmarks just to read it and laugh at it while looking at the art, since the art is good tbh.
The comments I left before still mostly stands but a couple of things can be addressed since then with the topics brought up in this comment. From the start it does appear that MC could quickly just run around and get revenge with his OP power and subordinates but he's taking his time to 1) not reveal his power to the world 2) reduce risk to his own faction and 3) set up scenarios where he can break the other person's pride before getting revenge. That third point is pretty hit or miss, though.

But it is also true that the revenge becomes a secondary priority to developments related to the 'master' bloodline and the ancient civilization(s). Curiously, this other plot does shake things up because it breaks the notion that the 9999 people with MC are actually the strongest in the world and that they will actually need to be careful in order to continue their investigations into these secrets. It's somewhat comparable to how Ains was being cautious of other players, but in his case he concluded there were no other players to worry about so he just greenlit power fantasy plans his subordinates were coming up with. If we assume this will progress more Arifureta than Overlord, then we can speculate that MC will have to prepare to fight one or more gods before the end of this journey.
Fed-Kun's army
Aug 18, 2023
This manga got one motto "going H. A. M (hard as a mofo), and it worship the fuck out of it. It know what its selling points are, and it crank those to 11. Art, damn good with damn impressive use of color panels. Antagonist, irredeemable fucker, sob stories? Fuck that, they kill children and lol. MC OPness? The title said infinite gacha, and it meant it; dude release 99 millions spells/items and that one fight. Waifu galore and worship the ground he walk on? That was a rhetorical question. Bonus point for this manga for including 2 cool bros, one is manga original because artist is running away with this series. Is this series good? Debatable. Is it entertaining? Hell yes, take off your snob nose and grab some brewsky, you might cringe during this journey, but by god you gonna have some fun.
Dex-chan lover
May 5, 2023
I dont get the severe hate boner some of the commenters here have honestly, tho i am only on chapter 50 so maybe it somehow shits the bed that severely.

Honestly in terms of revenge power fantasy stories, I like this one! It's not just generic rape fantasy shit which seriously feels rare nowadays. MC gets betrayed, gets tons of OP servants and items, becomes OP himself, sets out on revenge. Very simple and generic plot as these things go, but simple and generic isnt always a bad thing. 7/10 definitely feels like a solid rating for it, the art goes pretty dang hard which helps it not feel like an edgey wank off.

Srsly I cant overstate enough how glad I am it isnt some revenge rape fantasy garbage, there is way too fucking much of that in this genre and I seriously hate it. Especially when the victims of the "revenge" end up mind breaking and falling in love, it feels fuckin insulting. This is a serious pet peeve of mine I guess so maybe thats why I'm way more forgiving with this manga.
Fed-Kun's army
Sep 9, 2019
This manga could have been so much better, if the author wasn't a disgusting shotacon. What was the point in not having him grow up, even a little bit.
Mar 24, 2024
No, you can read it on other sites, at the moment its at chapter 119 with raw at 122. It just stopped being uploaded/updated on Mangadex for some reason.
any reccommended site? dont wanna leave mangadex but some ive been waiting on months for updates >.>
Apr 11, 2019
any reccommended site? dont wanna leave mangadex but some ive been waiting on months for updates >.> is a good website but since I ran adblocker so idk if that site is good or bad in terms of ads but then again other sites are also slow on updates or some sites dont get updates. You will just have to try your luck with google.
Sep 24, 2018
The hatred the other races have for humans can't be natural. Something is definitely up.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 7, 2023
Smh this is ass and cringe. 99 chapter for power creep shit

How tf is their even get tagged "award winning"
Dex-chan lover
Jan 9, 2019
I've read the novel quite far and while it makes for an interesting read initially. It's some of the most chuuni wish fulfillment stuff I've ever read it can be super cringe at times lol. Surprised it's 'award winning' but I suppose I shouldn't.

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