The website been having some errors, but this update made me come as fast as when I'm in bed
ps: Does anyone know if the translations are going to be updated frequently now or they still need some time? I think the manga raw is like 30 chapters ahead
I didn't understand fully what happened in that Hanekawa sequence. Episode tossed the cross at her to kill her or to scare her? The ghost pushed her to save her or kill her?
@Ergan Yes, it's him. Now the plot is getting thicker. Seishirou push Hanekawa to let Episode hit her with his weapon, either to made the fight fair again or wanted to test Araragi's vampiric power, or just did it for the lulz.
Araragi is going to wreck a fool, and just that jump of his was so ridiculously other level... question, is Araragi stronger than Kissshot?
@ampnaman Agreed, this is a heavy sin, but apparently, it wasn't Episode's complete fault so i will give him a pass (helps that i know she is still alive)