That idea makes some sense. I've still got a really bad feeling that, after such a war happened, certain species (particularly carnivores) were deliberately bred into more 'societally useful' forms through programs akin to early-mid 1900s eugenics. Interestingly, that might be part of the reason the current government subsidizes purebred couples, because they realized that losing genetic diversity would be an even worse issue.
Any way it goes, I don't want Jack eating a sack of onions as his ticket out. That's a dog's death, as in the carrion-eating animal that's most often used as an insult in the Torah or Old Testament, and English derives some expressions from that set of works. (It's actually pretty interesting that the pig is the most famous unclean animal in Judaism, but the dog is the most insulted and most widely used to insult others in its holy books.)
@marcyvq Maybe he isn't contemplating suicide, but he's definitely at least contemplating his own existence and the history of the world. I don't think it's gonna be a total subversion like the tomato juice thing, but he might not be thinking about suicide.
A passage from Mark Kermode's Joker review unsettingly suits Beastars a lot
"It's basically about society falling apart and collapsing in a cackling, killing joke"
Wait what why are the onions poisonous for dogs in this universe? Or is that a Japanese thing? Here in Northern Europe dogs are safe to eat as much onions as they would want...
@Aftherion They are very dangerous in our universe first
Interestingly "Japanese breed dogs (e.g. Akita, Shiba Inu, Japanese Chin)
may be genetically more susceptible than other dog breeds" though, being a labrador,
it's not Jack's case
Interesting points, through I've been feeding my four wolf dogs raw or cooked onions for years and they've never had any problems with those, so it's probably an issue with spoiled house pets or something. Thanks for reply through!
Mon: Leaked/rumored info of next chapter (usually a sentence, posted in discord)
Wednesday: raws
Thursday: usually higher quality raws
Thursday-Sunday (or longer): HCS translates/releases the chapter though they're translating the anime too which affects the amount of work a bit