BEASTARS - Vol. 22 Ch. 196 - The Story of a Wolf and a Rabbit

Mar 16, 2018
I cannot believe she fumbled the ending this hard.

This thing was incredible and it always felt like it was building up to something, up until maybe when the fights in the Back Alley among the gangs dragged on, then you could feel like everything was falling down the stairs in a mess.

I’m in awe. She must have been rushed to finish this, there’s no other explanation. Almost everything feel flat in the end and it’s just a huge slap in the face to anyone who gets invested in this.

For those about to read. Stay away.

Watch the anime and pray that it goes a different direction if it even gets far enough to do so.
Jul 13, 2020
this manga took a questionable direction and the melon arc was a bit tedious but i actually liked this ending. there's definitely more things i wanted explained and i feel like we didnt get much closure with the melon arc but this last chapter was nice, i like this sort of open ending. its not perfect but i think thats ok, but the end of the whole melon thing felt weird. so yeah end of the arc was weird but this little after ending was nice and i like it.
Double-page supporter
Jan 21, 2018
LMFAOOOO I'm so glad I decided to drop this shit early on, even before the whole Melon arc disaster. I knew It was going to be garbage in the end, and back then couldn't understand how people read this and thought It was great other than desperate furries.

The story did have some potential with the setting and some concepts but nothing is ever actually exploited to its full potential and instead is only to a superficial and at times fetishistic levels.

The whole meat conflict is conveniently solved by random sea creatures, and Haru keeps being the worst character, or something.

Anyways I guess that teaches us that paru cant write for shit and should stick to making furry doujins.
May 9, 2020
Even though it felt a bit rushed, I still really enjoyed it. I cant wait for what she has coming out next!
Nov 9, 2020
I don't know why, but this doesn't feel like the end. I'm not trying to say that paru Sensei Is going to draw more chapters, but that the story Is like only halfway through. Bruh ending, i don't like It.


Oct 26, 2019
Daaamnnn what a ride! I was soooo looking forward to luis x juno pairing!!
I cant believe legosi is still a virgin at the end hahaha! Thats so fitting. Really confused at haru and legosi's conversation ... ? Can someone explain what was going on???
Sep 5, 2019
Why does this feel like the ending of Tokyo ghoul:re?? and kinda worse. To be fair i did expect this sort of ending when i started this, I’m just disappointed a bit. Wish she stuck more with the slice of life trope, it was much more enjoyable (to me at least) but meh.. I give it a 7/10 overall
Dex-chan lover
Apr 28, 2019
@PascalXXXXX i get the feeling that she is going to do more. So much stuff was left unexplained, it'd make sense not to end the franchise right now. Besides, she already did other stories set in this same universe, before doing Beastars.

I think she might do a continuation of the franchise, set in the same universe and all, but with other characters. Maybe it'll be set in the future, and she'll show Legosi and all the other characters: what happened to them, how society is, the new problems that emerged, etc. The reason i believe that might be the case is because i don't see much sense to end the story just to continue it again, if you're not going to continue it with new characters. Maybe she means it's the 'end' of this story, but not of the series.
Dex-chan lover
Jun 18, 2018
Seems like the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Her father had a similarly weak ending with Baki
Sep 9, 2019
Boy howdy, did this ever tank harder'n the Hulk in Avengers...still had fun tho. Hope we get to see some future adventures like a lotta people are suggesting.
Dex-chan lover
Mar 22, 2020
why is this marked "end" when it says there will be a final volume come january?
Aggregator gang
Sep 27, 2019
Well i recall the writer saying they wanted to do an adult book version of this story additionally with them both working as private investigators....They get a house together and are married so all the stuff that comes after that I suppose?
Honestly I am more surprised Haru can still be interested in him when she basically got ignored for months while most of this stuff was going on...
Plus the writer left out a lot of characters with it all blank paged, I don’t know if that’s purposeful to keep it simple to help when they make the sequel
With it being adult I wonder if it’s going to get more bloody, more sexual or something ? I honestly can’t imagine a sequel as much as I can’t imagine this being the end either
Nov 28, 2019
I mean I liked the series as a whole, but I don't it kinda just fell apart imo. Don't get me wrong I was enraptured throughout the entire story, literally read the whole series in a day's time. I feel like everything escalated so fast, not like the pacing itself was bad, but it went from like a normal school life to a kidnapping, back to school to a mystery murder plot (though i was always expecting this arc), then after Legoshi dropped out of school it just continued to snowball. As a reader, I don't know why I should be invested into Haru as much as Legoshi is, considering she kinda just was put at the side in the later arcs of the story, like Juno and Bill had more presence in the story than Haru did. I do appreciate the dynamics and the complexcities introduced in Legoshi's and Louis's relationship, or even the entire drama club's relation, though it was a lot better explored with Louis and Legoshi. I really do hope that this story is continued even though it is marked as finished. Like I need to know more about the Carni-Herbi wars as well as the sea creatures involvement in it. Maybe the reason I'm so unsatisfied with the ending is because it just felt so anticlimatic and felt like so many strings were left unresolved.
Apr 22, 2020
I really feel Paru is playing her cards well. She wants to keep this world alive with more stories, and it wouldn't surprise me if she continued Legosi and Haru's story after several years of featuring them in the background of other new characters' stories. I feel this entire universe has great potential, hope she can make it work.

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